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  1. Ein "haymatloser" Übersetzer in der Türkei : Cornelius Bischoff
    Erschienen: 30.09.2020

    Die Übersetzung, insbesondere die literarische, ist vor allem eine Art Kulturübertragung. Neben der Beherrschung der Sprachen setzt sie die Kenntnis des Allgemeinen und Besonderen des Landes wie Kultur, Tradition, Glauben, geschichtliche und... mehr


    Die Übersetzung, insbesondere die literarische, ist vor allem eine Art Kulturübertragung. Neben der Beherrschung der Sprachen setzt sie die Kenntnis des Allgemeinen und Besonderen des Landes wie Kultur, Tradition, Glauben, geschichtliche und gesellschaftliche Begebenheiten und auch soziale Strukturen voraus. Wenn die Sprachen und Kulturen tiefgreifend wahrgenommen werden, können die übersetzten Texte die Adressaten erreichen, d.h., dass die Ausgangssprache und -kultur für die Zielrezipienten verständlich sein können. So wird der Übersetzer als Kulturträger angenommen. Cornelius Bischoff ist beispielsweise ein wohlbekannter Name für den deutschen und türkischen Literaturkreis. Er ist vor allem bekannt als "der deutscheste Türke und der türkischste Deutsche" sowie als eine Brücke zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Cornelius Bischoff, einen Kulturträger zwischen der deutschen und türkischen Übersetzung, zu behandeln. Als ein "Haymatloser" fand er in der Türkei die Möglichkeit, die türkische Sprache und Kultur wesentlich kennenzulernen und viele türkische Werke ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Als ein Übersetzer trug er zuallererst dazu bei, die türkische Literatur, die bedeutenden türkischen Schriftsteller, die türkische Kultur und Tradition sowie den türkischen Sprachgebrauch in Deutschland bekannt zu machen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Besonderheit Bischoffs in der Übersetzungswelt im Hinblick auf drei Aspekte diskutiert: zuerst im Hinblick auf den Zusammenhang seiner Wurzeln in der Türkei und im Türkischen - schon in seinen Wurzeln, besonders mütterlicherseits, wurde das Türkische verinnerlicht -, dann auf die in der Türkei verbrachten Jahre - die Jahre, in denen er "haymatlos" genannt wurde - und zuletzt auf die Wahrnehmung und Aneignung der türkischen Sprache, Kultur und Gesellschaft - was auf ihn lebenslang einwirkte. In diesem Kontext wird versucht, sein Leben, seine Werke und seine Wirkung im Rahmen der übersetzerischen Tätigkeit zu analysieren. The translation, especially the literary translation, is above all a kind of cultural transfer. In addition to knowing languages, it requires knowledge of the general and in the particular, of the languages, its culture, tradition, and belief, history and also social structure. Only then the translated text can reach the recipients, enable the source language and culture. So, it is understandable for the target language and culture, and by doing so, the translator can be accepted as a cultural carrier if both language and culture are deeply perceived. The German and Turkish literary circles know such a translator: Cornelius Bischoff. He is first of all famous as "the most German of the Turks and the most Turk of the Germans" and as a bridge between Germany and Turkey. The aim of the present work is to treat Cornelius Bischoff as culture-bearer between the German and Turkish translation. As a "haymatlos" in Turkey, he had the opportunity to get to know the Turkish language and culture substantially and then transfer so many important Turkish works to German. As a translator, he contributed to making Turkish literature, the important Turkish writers, Turkish culture and tradition as well as the Turkish usage known in Germany. In the present work, the speciality of Bischoff in the field of translation is discussed with regard to the following three aspects: first with the connection between his roots in Turkey and in Turkish - Turkish was already internalized in his roots, especially on his mother's side -, then with regard to years in Turkey - the years in which he was called "haymatlos" - and finally with regard to the perception of the Turkish language, culture and society - which lasted for a lifetime for him. In this context, an attempt is made to analyze his life, work and effect in the context of the field of translation.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830); Literaturen anderer Sprachen (890)
    Schlagworte: Bischoff, Cornelius; Türkisch; Literatur; Übersetzung; Deutsch



  2. Halide Edip Adıvar'ın 'Ateşten Gömlek' Romanı ve D. H. Lawrence'ın 'Tilki' Adlı Eserinde "Yeni Kadın" Olgusu
    Erschienen: 08.10.2020

    War, as a universal theme, is accepted as one of the most outstanding events that affect all nations profoundly and is a distinguished topic of Comparative Literature. Due to wars, in many different cultures, social balance has collapsed, gender... mehr


    War, as a universal theme, is accepted as one of the most outstanding events that affect all nations profoundly and is a distinguished topic of Comparative Literature. Due to wars, in many different cultures, social balance has collapsed, gender roles have changed and the concept of the "new woman" has become prominent. In this study, 'Ateşten Gömlek' (1922) by the Turkish author Halide Edip Adıvar and 'The Fox' (1922) by the British writer David Herbert Lawrence were studied. Within this scope, the study involves a comparative analysis based on the depiction of the concept of the "new woman" by the mentioned writers and the shift in gender roles in different cultures. Historical and social plot of periods reflected in both texts were studied in textual analysis process. The core of the study involves the depiction of social gender shifts during the war period in literature of different cultures. The findings of this analysis provide that wars have similarly influenced gender roles and changed the status of women in different cultures. Therefore, this study is exemplarily for further comparative literary studies and researches based on the changing identity of women in war literature. Evrensel bir konu olan savaş, her milleti derinden etkileyen en önemli olgulardan sayılmaktadır ve yansıması Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyatın en seçkin konularından biridir. Savaşlar yüzünden birçok farklı kültürde, toplumsal dengeler bozulmuş, cinsiyetçi roller değişmiş ve "yeni kadın" olgusu öne çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 20. yüzyılın kadın Türk edebiyatçılarından biri olan Halide Edip Adıvar'ın 'Ateşten Gömlek' (1922) romanında ve İngiliz edebiyatçı David Herbert Lawrence'ın 'Tilki' ('The Fox') (1922) hikâyesinde "yeni kadın" kavramı karşılaştırmalı edebiyat yöntemi ile analiz edildi. Her iki eserin yansıttığı dönemin tarihsel ve sosyal örgüsü metin inceleme yöntemi ile incelendi. Çalışmanın özü, toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin savaş dönemlerinde farklı kültürlerin edebiyatlarındaki yansımasını kapsar. İncelemedeki bulguların sonucunda, farklı kültürlerde farklı cinsiyetlere ait yazarlar tarafından ele alınmış olsa da, Adıvar'ın 'Ateşten Gömlek' ve Lawrence'ın 'Tilki' adlı eserinde, savaşın cinsiyet rollerine etkisinin benzer şekilde yansıtıldığı gözlenmiştir. Bu sebeple, bu çalışma, diğer karşılaştırmalı edebi incelemelere ve savaş edebiyatında kadın kimliğinin tanımlanmasına yönelik araştırmalara katkı sağlayabilecek içeriktedir.


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