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  1. Writing Poems for the Paper: Documenting the Cultural Life of the German Minority in Czechoslovakia after 1945
    Autor*in: Askey, Dale
    Erschienen: 2018
    Verlag:  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    Abstract ; Am Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs hat die wiederhergestellte Tschechoslowakei die Mehrheit ihrer deutschen Bevölkerung vertrieben. Eine kleine Gemeinschaft von 200,000-300,000 blieben im Lande, die überwiegend aus Menschen bestand, die über... mehr


    Abstract ; Am Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs hat die wiederhergestellte Tschechoslowakei die Mehrheit ihrer deutschen Bevölkerung vertrieben. Eine kleine Gemeinschaft von 200,000-300,000 blieben im Lande, die überwiegend aus Menschen bestand, die über benötigte industriellen Fachkenntnissen verfügten, in Mischehen lebten und/oder antifaschistische Aktivitäten nachweisen konnten. Aus verschiedenen Gründen, oft verbunden mit den politischen Realitäten des kalten Kriegs und der vorherrschenden antideutschen Diskriminierung in der Tschechoslowakei, verschwanden diese Menschen aus dem Blickfeld der Geschichte. In dieser Dissertation gehe ich zwei Fragen nach, die mit den kulturellen Bestrebungen dieser kleinen Gemeinschaft verbunden sind. Zuerst erforsche ich, ob es möglich ist, durch die Auffindung ihrer literarischen Bestrebungen, das Bemühen dieser Gemeinschaft ihre kulturelle Identität zu bewahren zu dokumentieren. Trotz der Einschränkung von Veröffentlichungsmöglichkeiten, wurde es klar, dass die Gemeinschaft literarisch tätig war. Ihre Texte habe ich in eine Bibliographie eingetragen, die Anhaltspunkte für weiterführende Forschung zu dieser Gemeinschaft bietet. Die zweite Frage nimmt die Erstellung einer Analyse des generellen kulturpolitischen Umfelds der Gemeinschaft auf sich. Durch die sorgfältige Lektüre der Gemeinschaftszeitung auf der Suche nach literarischen Beiträgen, war es möglich den Verlauf dieser Entwicklungen zu verfolgen, insbesondere die Auswirkung der Veränderungen, die von dem Slánský-Prozess, dem Prager Frühling und der Normalisierung ausgelöst wurden. Im letzten Kapitel dieser Dissertation biete ich eine Reflexion zur Frage inwiefern Bibliothekspraxis und –politik ermöglichen sowie verhindern die Erforschung von Randgemeinschaften und -themen. Ich behandle die Diskrepanz zwischen den Neutralitätsbehauptungen von Bibliotheken und der Auswirkung von menschlichen Entscheidungen und Neigungen auf Bestände und biete abschließend Vorschläge für Veränderungen. ; Abstract ; At the conclusion of the Second World War, a reconstituted Czechoslovakia expelled the majority of its German population. A small community of 200,000-300,000 remained behind, consisting mainly of individuals with specialized trades or skills, in mixed marriages, and/or with antifascist credentials. For various reasons, many related to Cold War political realities and endemic anti-German discrimination in Czechoslovakia, these individuals largely disappeared from view. In this dissertation I address two questions related to the cultural aspirations of this small community. First, I explore whether it is possible to document the community’s attempts to maintain a German cultural identity by tracking their literary efforts. Despite restrictions on publication, it emerged that the community did actively produce literature. I recorded these texts in a bibliography that offers an entry point for further research on the German minority. The other question delves into constructing an analysis of the broader cultural politics of this community. By virtue of close engagement with the community’s newspaper while searching for literature, it was possible to trace the arc of these developments, in particular the impact of changes set in motion by the Slánský trial, the Prague Spring, and the period known as Normalization. The dissertation concludes with a chapter where I pursue the question of the extent to which the practices and policies of research libraries enable and thwart research on marginal communities. I reflect on the gap between libraries’ claim to be neutral organizations and the impact of human decisions and biases on collections and offer some concluding suggestions for changes that would help libraries address critical gaps in the human record.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaften (020); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Tschechoslowakei; Deutsche Minderheit; Literatur; Bibliographie; Ethnographie; Czechoslovakia; German minority; literature; bibliography; ethnography; Deutsche Literatur

    (CC BY-NC 3.0 DE) Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell 3.0 Deutschland ;

  2. The influence of Nature and Nurture on speaker-specific parameters in twins speech
    Erschienen: 2012
    Verlag:  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät II

    Abstract ; Die Dissertation thematisiert sprecherspezifische Variabilität bei ein- und zweieiigen Zwillingen hinsichtlich Artikulation, Akustik und Perzeption. Die zentrale Fragestellung ist, ob sprecherspezifische Charakteristika auf... mehr


    Abstract ; Die Dissertation thematisiert sprecherspezifische Variabilität bei ein- und zweieiigen Zwillingen hinsichtlich Artikulation, Akustik und Perzeption. Die zentrale Fragestellung ist, ob sprecherspezifische Charakteristika auf physiologisch-biologischen Differenzen der Sprecher beruhen (BIOLOGIE), oder sich auf gelernte, umweltabhängige Unterschiede zurückführen lassen (UMWELT). Artikulatorische und akustische Daten wurden von 4 eineiigen Zwillingspaaren (EZ, 100% genetische Übereinstimmung) und 3 zweieiigen Zwillingspaaren (ZZ, 50% genetische Übereinstimmung) analysiert. Zusätzlich wurde ein Perzeptionstest zur auditiven Ähnlichkeit der Zwillinge durchgeführt. Auf einen großen Einfluss des Faktors BIOLOGIE lässt sich schließen, wenn sich EZ ähnlicher sind als ZZ. Sind sich aber ZZ genauso ähnlich wie EZ, zeigt sich die Wichtigkeit der gleichen Lernumgebung (UMWELT). Die Ergebnisse weisen auf einen großen Einfluss des Faktors UMWELT und stützen die Hypothese, dass sprachliche Ziele gelernt sind und sich am auditiven Feedback orientieren. Darüber hinaus wurden drei Faktoren gefunden, die den Einfluss der BIOLOGIE intensivieren: a) Lautklasse, b) Wortakzent und c) Koartikulation. Plosive und Sibilanten sind aufgrund des stärker ausgeprägten linguo-palatalen Kontaktes mehr durch die individuelle Physiologie beeinflusst als Vokale. Außerdem wurde ein größerer Effekt des Faktors BIOLOGIE in unbetonten als in betonten Silben gefunden. Zusätzlich stellten sich koartikulatorische Prozesse als wichtig heraus: dynamische Parameter – artikulatorische Gesten und akustische Transitionen – sind stärker durch die Physiologie beeinflusst als statische Parameter – artikulatorische Ziele und stabile akustische Regionen. Sowohl der Faktor BIOLOGIE als auch der Faktor UMWELT sind einflussreiche Größen hinsichtlich sprecherspezifischer Variabilität. Welcher der beiden Faktoren die übergeordnete Rolle übernimmt, hängt von den spezifischen Charakteristika des untersuchten Parameters ab. ; Abstract ; This dissertation examines inter-speaker variability in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs in regard to articulation, acoustics and perception. The aim of the study is to evaluate whether speaker-specific variability reflects physiological differences between speakers (NATURE) or bases on learned variation due to social environmental influences (NURTURE). Articulatory and acoustic data was analyzed from 4 MZ twin pairs (100% identical genes) and 3 DZ twin pairs (50 % identical genes). Additionally, a perception experiment was carried out to explore the perceived auditory similarity. The effect of NATURE should have a larger impact than the effect of NURTURE, if a parameter differs more in DZ than in MZ twin pairs. If MZ and DZ twins show the same amount of inter-speaker variability, NURTURE seems to be crucial. Results point to the importance of NURTURE and shared social environment. Nevertheless, three factors were found that intensify the effect of NATURE: a) phoneme class, b) lexical stress, and c) degree of coarticulation. Somatosensory feedback plays a larger role for consonants than for vowels, and thus individual physiology was found to shape articulation more in sibilants and stops than in vowels. Additionally, a stronger impact of NATURE was found in parameters that are auditorily less salient: unstressed syllables were more similar in MZ than in DZ twins, while for stressed syllables this was not the case. Moreover, coarticulation turned out to be essential: dynamic parameters – articulatory gestures and acoustic transitions – were more influenced by physiological constraints (NATURE) than static parameters – articulatory targets and stable acoustic regions. Thus, both NATURE and NURTURE are crucial influencing factors in speaker-specific variability. However, the relative importance of the two factors is highly dependent on the specific characteristics of the investigated parameter.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Umwelt; Variabilität; Sprachproduktion; Zwillinge; Sprachperzeption; sprecherspezifisch; Biologie; variability; speech production; twins; speech perception; speaker-specific; nature-nurture

    Namensnennung - Keine kommerzielle Nutzung - Keine Bearbeitung ;

  3. German psych verbs – insights from a decompositional perspective
    Autor*in: Hirsch, Nils
    Erschienen: 2018
    Verlag:  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    Abstract ; Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit psychologischen Verben, d.h. Verben, die dadurch charakterisiert sind, dass eines ihrer Argumente Träger eines psychischen Prozesses (Experiencer) ist. Diese ‚Psych-Verben’ nehmen seit mindestens 30 Jahren... mehr


    Abstract ; Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit psychologischen Verben, d.h. Verben, die dadurch charakterisiert sind, dass eines ihrer Argumente Träger eines psychischen Prozesses (Experiencer) ist. Diese ‚Psych-Verben’ nehmen seit mindestens 30 Jahren eine zentrale Rolle in linguistischen Diskussionen zu Syntax, Semantik und deren Schnittstellen ein und werden häufig als eine besondere Verbklasse mit spezifischen (Psych-)Eigenschaften angesehen. Dabei ist nicht nur die Analyse dieser Verben, sondern bereits ihre korrekte empirische Charakterisierung Auslöser starker Kontroversen in der Literatur. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich deshalb der Untersuchung der empirischen Eigenschaften von Objekt-Experiencer-Verben wie Agentivität, aspektuelle Eigenschaften, Passiv sowie ihrem Verhalten in Bezug auf eine Reihe anderer grammatischer Phänomene. Ein Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Vergleich von Verben, die basierend auf derselben Wurzel unterschiedliche Formen bilden wie z.B. ärgern/verärgern/sich ärgern, wundern/verwundern/sich wundern etc. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung zeigen, dass weder ObjExp-Verben noch Experiencer eine homogene Gruppe mit kohärenten Eigenschaften darstellen. Folglich können Psych-Verben nicht als eine einheitliche (besondere) Gruppe von Verben analysiert werden, da ihre Eigenschaften zu unterschiedlich sind und sie vielmehr in verschiedene Verbgruppen fallen. Im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit wird deshalb eine dekompositionelle Analyse im Paradigma von Distributed Morphology vorgeschlagen, die die unterschiedlichen Gruppen von Psych-Verben als solche analysiert und ihre Eigenschaften auf der Basis allgemeiner grammatischer Prinzipien (aspektuelle Eigenschaften sowie Präsenz/Absenz eines externen Arguments) erklärt, und besonders die stativen Kausativa diskutiert. Als Resultat muss konstatiert werden, dass ‚Psych-Verben’ als grammatisch relevante Gruppe nicht existieren, sondern diese Verben vielmehr unterschiedlichen bekannten Verbmustern folgen. ; Abstract ; This thesis is concerned with German psychological verbs, i.e. verbs characterized by the fact that one of their arguments is associated with a psychological process. These psych verbs have been prominent in linguistic discussion on syntax, semantics, and their interfaces for at least 30 years, and are often considered to form a special group of verbs with specific ‘psych properties’. Not only the theoretical analysis but also the correct characterization of their empirical properties is a matter of controversy in the literature, and no consensus has been established with respect to either. Therefore, in the first part of this thesis, the empirical properties of object-experiencer verbs such as agentivity, aspectual properties, passive, and the behaviour of these verbs with respect to a number of other grammatical phenomena are examined. Special focus is placed on alternating verbs formed on the basis of the same Root, such as e.g. ärgern/verärgern/sich ärgern, etc. The results of the empirical analysis show that neither ObjExp verbs nor experiencers form a homogeneous group with coherent properties. On the contrary, these verbs fall into several different groups of verbs with clearly different properties. Consequently, psych verbs cannot be analysed as one (special) group of verbs. The theoretical part of this thesis therefore puts forward a decompositional analysis couched in the paradigm of Distributed Morphology, which analyses the different psych verbs as different groups of verbs, and explains their properties as the consequence of general grammatical principles (their aspectual properties, and the presence/absence of an external argument), not special psych properties. The discussion of stative causative ObjExp verbs plays a major part. As a result, the conclusion has to be drawn that ‘psych verbs’ do not constitute a grammatically relevant (special) group of verbs, but that these verbs follow different general patterns known from the study of other verbs.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Linguistik (410); Deutsche Grammatik (435)
    Schlagworte: Syntax; Argumentstruktur; Psych Verben; Experiencer; stative kausative Verben; argument structure; psych verbs; stative causatives

    (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE) Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Deutschland ;

  4. The Functions of Literature: A Diachronic Perspective on the British Novel on Terrorism from the Victorian Fin de Siècle to the Present
    Erschienen: 2020
    Verlag:  Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn

    Modern terrorism emerged over 150 years ago. It not only wreaked havoc on individuals and societies and inspired widespread fear of future attacks, but also triggered a myriad of fictional responses by writers and film-makers, whose relevance for... mehr


    Modern terrorism emerged over 150 years ago. It not only wreaked havoc on individuals and societies and inspired widespread fear of future attacks, but also triggered a myriad of fictional responses by writers and film-makers, whose relevance for cultural production and meaning-making has drawn a lot of attention in Cultural and Literary Studies in recent years. The present study focuses on narrative fiction, and, more precisely, the British novel. From the 19thcentury anti-colonial Irish Fenians to the homegrown Jihadists of the 21st century, Britain’s experience of terrorism is long, varied and replete with actions and ideologies. Considering aspects such as the mentality, literary, cultural and political history of Britain, this work strives to illustrate how the representations have processed British terrorism discourses throughout history. Informed by a diachronic perspective, novels dealing with terrorism from the fin de siècle to the early 21st century are discussed and the continuities and differences of the novelistic representations of terrorism are elucidated. One of the key questions underlying this analysis concerns the potential literary functions that British novels dealing with terrorism may fulfil. That is, which literary strategies have been applied to realise cultural, mnemonic and ethical functions. Therefore, this study draws on contemporary theories of Cultural Studies, Memory Studies and Ethical Criticism.


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  5. As if the Wood of which it was built were Flesh: The House Motif in Faulkner
    Autor*in: Bork, Dirk
    Erschienen: 2008

    Based on a joint qualitative and quantitative approach, this dissertation analyzes Faulkner´s use of the house motif and related imagery in all of his novels and short story collections. Chapter One recapitulates what has been published on this issue... mehr


    Based on a joint qualitative and quantitative approach, this dissertation analyzes Faulkner´s use of the house motif and related imagery in all of his novels and short story collections. Chapter One recapitulates what has been published on this issue before, a definition of the term "literary motif" follows in Chapter Two. Chapter Three provides a brief outline of different architectural styles used in the American South. Chapter Four introduces the reader to Lévi-Strauss´ notion of a house-based society. Chapter Five offers information about the use of the house motif in American literature in general. Chapter Six, the main part of my dissertation, is divided into three sections. The first section analyzes the significance of private houses [plantation houses, mansions, town houses, and cabins], the second section discusses the nature of public houses [courthouse, jail, banks, barbershops, churches, brothels] and public open spaces, while the third section, by contrast, highlights the symbolic meaning of elementary co-occurrences [attics, windows, doors, porches, fences] in Faulkner´s body of work. In the conclusion in Chapter Seven, my dissertation presents inter alia the following results: 1. The house motif and elementary co-occurrences symbolize a segregated society. 2. Yoknapatawpha County is a house-based society as defined by Lévi-Strauss in which houses are key symbols to organize and structure Yoknapatawpha´s society. 3. Faulkner derived his use of the house-motif from the Gothic tradition. 4. House related imagery like windows, doors, and fences, for instance, are not only used as spatial metaphors of liminality; these elementary co-occurrences also have a prominent position the complex symbol system of the house motif. The appendix contains statistics to fifteen novels and four short story collections highlighting the most frequently occurring nouns in these literary works.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: William Faulkner; class; race; gender; public and private houses; segragation; social exclusion

  6. Orate and literate structures in spoken and written language. A comparison of monolingual and bilingual pupils ; Orate und literate Strukturen in gesprochener und geschriebener Sprache. Ein Vergleich monolingualer und bilingualer Schüler
    Autor*in: Boneß, Anja
    Erschienen: 2012

    In this dissertation, spoken and written language are compared by means of a systematic approach which is based on the categories "orate" and "literate" (as they were shaped by Maas). The investigation includes three linguistic domains: NP structure... mehr


    In this dissertation, spoken and written language are compared by means of a systematic approach which is based on the categories "orate" and "literate" (as they were shaped by Maas). The investigation includes three linguistic domains: NP structure (or form of referents), clause structure, and linking devices. For each domain of analysis, a scale is developed which is applied to spoken and written data of monolingual and bilingual pupils. The comparison of the different data reveals to what extent the pupils are able to detach from spoken language structures in their written texts. Moreover, it becomes apparent if differences between monolingual and bilingual pupils occur.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Schriftsprache; Zweitsprache; written language; second language

  7. Feature selection for semi-supervised data analysis in decisional information systems ; Sélection de variables pour l’analyse des données semi-supervisées dans les systèmes d’Information décisionnels
    Erschienen: 2013
    Verlag:  HAL CCSD

    Feature selection is an important task in data mining and machine learning processes. This task is well known in both supervised and unsupervised contexts. The semi-supervised feature selection is still under development and far from being mature. In... mehr


    Feature selection is an important task in data mining and machine learning processes. This task is well known in both supervised and unsupervised contexts. The semi-supervised feature selection is still under development and far from being mature. In general, machine learning has been well developed in order to deal with partially-labeled data. Thus, feature selection has obtained special importance in the semi-supervised context. It became more adapted with the real world applications where labeling process is costly to obtain. In this thesis, we present a literature review on semi-supervised feature selection, with regard to supervised and unsupervised contexts. The goal is to show the importance of compromising between the structure from unlabeled part of data, and the background information from their labeled part. In particular, we are interested in the so-called «small labeled-sample problem» where the difference between both data parts is very important. In order to deal with the problem of semi-supervised feature selection, we propose two groups of approaches. The first group is of «Filter» type, in which, we propose some algorithms which evaluate the relevance of features by a scoring function. In our case, this function is based on spectral-graph theory and the integration of pairwise constraints which can be extracted from the data in hand. The second group of methods is of «Embedded» type, where feature selection becomes an internal function integrated in the learning process. In order to realize embedded feature selection, we propose algorithms based on feature weighting. The proposed methods rely on constrained clustering. In this sense, we propose two visions, (1) a global vision, based on relaxed satisfaction of pairwise constraints. This is done by integrating the constraints in the objective function of the proposed clustering model; and (2) a second vision, which is local and based on strict control of constraint violation. Both approaches evaluate the relevance of features by weights which ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    Übergeordneter Titel: ; Artificial Intelligence [cs.AI]. INSA de Lyon, 2013. English. ⟨NNT : 2013ISAL0015⟩
    Schlagworte: Information DataTechnology; Artificial intelligence; Data mining; Semi-Supervised data; Redundancy; Dimensionality reduction; Informatique; Intelligence artificielle; Fouille de données; Selection de variables; Données semi supervisées; Redondance; Réduction de dimension; [INFO.INFO-AI]Computer Science [cs]/Artificial Intelligence [cs.AI]


  8. Sulfate-radical Induced Removal of Organic Micro-pollutants from Aqueous Solution- Influence of Natural Water Constituents ; Élimination induite par le radical sulfate de micro polluants organiques en phase aqueuse-Influence des constituants naturels de l'eau
    Autor*in: Zhou, Lei
    Erschienen: 2017
    Verlag:  HAL CCSD

    Sulfate radical (SO4•-) based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) has been proved to be effective for the removal of many contaminants. In this thesis, we investigated the oxidation processes of iodinated X-ray contrast media diatrizoate (DTZ),... mehr


    Sulfate radical (SO4•-) based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) has been proved to be effective for the removal of many contaminants. In this thesis, we investigated the oxidation processes of iodinated X-ray contrast media diatrizoate (DTZ), ß2-adrenoceptor agonists salbutamol (SAL) and terbutaline (TBL) by reaction with SO4•- generated from the activation of persulfate (PS); in addition, the reactivity of SO4•- with natural organic matter (NOM) was also estimated.Specifically, to determine the reactivity of SO4•- with NOM, laser flash photolysis (LFP) technique was applied to monitor the SO4•- decay and the formation of the transients from organic matters. Reaction rate constants comprised between 1530 and 3500 s-1 mgC-1 L were obtained by numerical analysis of differential equations and the weighted average of the extinction coefficient of the generated organic matters radicals between 400 and 800 M-1 cm-1.In the decomposition process of DTZ by UV-activated PS, major oxidation pathways include deiodination-hydroxylation, decarboxylation- hydroxylation and side chain cleavage. Results also indicated that DTZ degradation rate increased with increasing PS concentration. The presence of NOM inhibited DTZ removal rate, while, bicarbonate enhanced it, and chloride ions induced a negative effect above 500 mM. For the degradation of SAL and TBL, phenoxyl radicals were proven to play a very important role from the initial step. Chloride exhibited no effect on the oxidation efficiencies of SAL and TBL, while bromide, bicarbonate and NOM all showed inhibitory effects ; Les processus d'oxydation avancés à base du radical sulfate (SO4•- -) ont prouvé leur efficacité pour l'élimination de nombreux contaminants. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les processus d'oxydation et de dégradation par le radical sulfate activé à partir du persulfate (PS) pour les molécules suivantes : le diatrizoate, molécule utilisée comme produit de contraste radiologique iodé (DTZ), le salbutamol (SAL) et la terbutaline (TBL), ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    Übergeordneter Titel: ; Catalysis. Université de Lyon, 2017. English. ⟨NNT : 2017LYSE1171⟩
    Schlagworte: Advanced oxidation process; Sulfate radical; Organic micro-pollutants; Laser flash photolysis; Natural organic matter; Processus d'Oxydation Avancé; Radical sulfate; Micro-polluants organiques; Photolyse Laser couplé à la spectroscopie; Matière organique naturelle; [CHIM.CATA]Chemical Sciences/Catalysis


  9. Some stability and instability issues in the dynamics of highly rotating fluids ; Quelques problèmes de stabilité et d’instabilité dans la dynamique des fluides en rotation rapide
    Erschienen: 2022
    Verlag:  HAL CCSD

    In the present thesis, we are interested in the description of the dynamics of flows on large scales, like the atmospheric and ocean currents on the Earth. In this context, the fluids are governed by rotational, weak compressibility and... mehr


    In the present thesis, we are interested in the description of the dynamics of flows on large scales, like the atmospheric and ocean currents on the Earth. In this context, the fluids are governed by rotational, weak compressibility and stratification effects, whose importance is "measured" by adimensional numbers: the Rossby, Mach and Froude numbers respectively. More those three physical parameters are small, more the relative effects are strong. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the analysis of a 3-D multi-scale problem called the full Navier-Stokes-Fourier system where variations in density and temperature are taken into account and in addition the dynamics is influenced by the action of Coriolis, centrifugal and gravitational forces. We study, in the framework of weak solutions, the combined incompressible and fast rotation limits in the regime of small Mach, Froude and Rossby numbers (Ma, Fr, Ro respectively) and for general ill-prepared initial data. In the so-called multi-scale regime where some effect is predominant in the motion, precisely when the Mach number is of higher order than the Rossby number, we prove that the limit dynamics is described by an incompressible Oberbeck-Boussinesq type system. It is worth noticing that the velocity field is purely horizontal at the limit (according to the so-renowned Taylor-Proudman theorem in geophysics), but surprisingly vertical effects on the temperature equation appear. These stratification effects are completely absent when Fr exceeds \sqrt{Ma}, whereas they suddenly come into play as soon as one reaches the endpoint scaling Fr=\sqrt{Ma}. Conversely, when the Mach and Rossby numbers have the same order of magnitude (the isotropic scaling), and in absence of the centrifugal force, we show convergence towards a quasi-geostrophic type equation for a stream-function of the limit velocity field, coupled with a transport-diffusion equation for a quantity that mixes the target density and temperature profiles. Following "le fil rouge" of the asymptotic ...


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  10. Quantifying the influence of sexual reproduction on the spatial eco-evo dynamics of species characterized by complex traits: asymptotic methods. ; Quantifier l'influence de la reproduction sexuée sur la dynamique eco-evo d'espèces spatialement distribuées et caractérisées par des traits complexes : méthodes asymptotiques.
    Erschienen: 2022
    Verlag:  HAL CCSD

    My thesis focuses on the asymptotic analysis of integro-differential models quantifying the influence of certain features of sexual reproduction on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of spatially distributed species characterized by quantitative traits... mehr


    My thesis focuses on the asymptotic analysis of integro-differential models quantifying the influence of certain features of sexual reproduction on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of spatially distributed species characterized by quantitative traits with complex genetic architecture. It extends the analytical toolkit to study the dynamics of singular distributions arising in a regime where diversity introduced by reproduction is small. In the first chapter, I use separation of times scales techniques and completely characterize the equilibria of a population living in a discrete heterogeneous environment connected by migration, whose local adaptation is quantified by the action of selection on a quantitative trait resulting from a large number of small diallelic effects. In the second chapter, I explicit the biological framework underlying the previous chapter thanks to individual-based simulations with an explicit genetic description. In a third chapter, I propose a new hybrid model allowing to include the effect of a major gene onto the trait characterizing local adaptation in the previous context, whose analysis sheds some lights on an undocumented evolutionary phenomenon. In the fourth chapter, I present an explicit long-time approximation of the solution of a reaction-diffusion equation modelling the phenomenon of evolution of dispersion along range expansions, where the diffusion coefficient is the trait under evolution. In the fifth chapter, I analyse a new integro-differential model which describes the dynamics of quantitative alleles under general allelic interaction and selection function. In an annex, I present my contribution to a modelling project of the COVID-19 epidemic in Mayotte. ; Ma thèse porte sur l’étude asymptotique de modèles intégro-différentiels quantifiant l’influence de certains aspects de la reproduction sexuée sur la dynamique éco-évolutive d’espèces spatialement distribuées caractérisées par des traits quantitatifs à architecture génétique complexe. Elle étend la gamme d’outils ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    Übergeordneter Titel: ; Analysis of PDEs [math.AP]. Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, 2022. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
    Schlagworte: Integro-differential models; eco-evolutionary dynamics; sexual reproduction; spatial structure; quantitative traits; asymptotic analysis; Modèles intégro-différentiels; dynamiques éco-évolutives; reproduction sexuée; structure spatiale; traits quantitatifs; analyse asymptotique; [MATH.MATH-AP]Mathematics [math]/Analysis of PDEs [math.AP]; [SDV.BID.EVO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity/Populations and Evolution [q-bio.PE]
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/OpenAccess

  11. Caractérisation des ARN VHB circulants dans l'infection chronique par le VHB ; Characterisation of circulating HBV RNAs in chronic HBV patients
    Erschienen: 2022
    Verlag:  HAL CCSD

    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a major global public health problem with 240 million chronic carriers. Current treatments for chronic HBV infection are unable to achieve a functional cure, defined by the loss of the HBsAg and allowing the... mehr


    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a major global public health problem with 240 million chronic carriers. Current treatments for chronic HBV infection are unable to achieve a functional cure, defined by the loss of the HBsAg and allowing the treatment cessation as well as a decreased risk of liver complications. Several new therapeutic molecules that target the cccDNA, the nuclear replicative intermediate that act as template for the transcription of all viral mRNAs, with the aim of silencing or reducing the pool of cccDNA to achieve a functional cure with a finite treatment duration, are at the preclinical or early clinical stage of evaluation. A persistent suppression of serum HBV DNA and loss of HBsAg are considered the most important primary efficacy endpoints for novel molecular entities in clinical development. However, the suppression of HBV DNA in serum is not an appropriate efficacy endpoint to evaluate new HBV treatments in patients treated with DNA-decreasing nucleotide analogues. In addition, although HBsAg levels may predict HBsAg loss, the kinetic of HBsAg decline is too slow in most patients to be useful to predict functional cure within the short duration of early clinical trials. Finally, HBsAg antigens may origin from HBV sequences integrated into the host genome and do not reflect the number of cccDNA molecules and their transcriptional activity. Circulating HBV RNA reflects the transcriptional activity of cccDNA in the liver and would thus be a good non-invasive biomarker for the inactivation of cccDNA or the reduction of the cccDNA reservoir. The quantification of circulating HBV RNAs may contribute to monitor the disease, to a personalized therapeutic management, and to the evaluation of new therapeutic molecules. The establishment of an HBV RNA standard remains a challenge and is crucial for the development of all circulating HBV RNA quantification assays. To this aim we have generated several clonal cell lines carrying mutated HBV genomes. A clonal cell line (Huh7-3D29) secreting ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    Übergeordneter Titel: ; Virology. Université de Lyon, 2022. English. ⟨NNT : 2022LYSE1053⟩
    Schlagworte: Hepatitis B virus (HBV); Circulating HBV RNA; Standard; HBV integration; Biomarker; Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); Next generation sequencing (NGS); Chronic hepatitis B (CHB); Virus de l'hépatite B (VHB); ARN VHB circulant; Intégration du VHB; Biomarqueur; Carcinome hépatocellulaire (CHC); Hépatite B chronique; Séquençage haut débit; [SDV.MP.VIR]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Microbiology and Parasitology/Virology


  12. Role of pannexin in excitation-contraction coupling of skeletal muscle ; Rôle de la Pannexine dans le couplage excitation contraction du muscle squelettique
    Erschienen: 2021
    Verlag:  HAL CCSD

    The CaV1.1 protein senses the electrical activity of the plasma membrane for the processes of excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) and excitation-transcription coupling (ETC) of skeletal muscle cells. For ECC, CaV1.1 controls the activity of the... mehr


    The CaV1.1 protein senses the electrical activity of the plasma membrane for the processes of excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) and excitation-transcription coupling (ETC) of skeletal muscle cells. For ECC, CaV1.1 controls the activity of the type 1 ryanodine receptor (RyR1) Ca2+ release channel in the reticulum membrane. For ETC, CaV1.1 controls the activity of pannexin 1 (Panx1), a plasma membrane ATP channel responsible for ATP exit and consequent activation of a signaling pathway involved in muscle plasticity. The present project aimed at -determining the potential role of Panx1 as a partner in ECC, -characterizing Panx1 functional properties in single isolated muscle fibers, investigating the function of ECC in a disease model suspected to be associated with Panx1 dysfunction. Down-expression of Panx1 in muscle fibers is associated with altered functions of CaV1.1 and RyR1 during ECC. Furthermore, Panx1 pharmacological blockers also alter Ca2+ signaling in muscle fibers. Overall results establish a role for Panx1 in the control of muscle Ca2+ homeostasis and ECC. We attempted to detect Panx1-mediated ATP release at the single muscle fiber level using biological sensors: either ATP-dependent K+ channels or ionotropic purinergic receptors. Both methods work but did not allow detection of Panx1-induced ATP release in a reliable manner. Altered Panx1 function is suspected in muscles under type 2 diabetes conditions. We tested whether ECC is altered in that situation and contributes to the associated muscle weakness. We found that it is not the case. ECC is remarkably preserved in muscle fibers from a diet-induced mouse model of diabetes and obesity. ; La protéine membranaire Cav1.1 détecte l’activité électrique de la membrane plasmique pour le couplage excitation-contraction (CEC) et excitation-transcription (CET) des cellules musculaires. Pour le CET, CaV1.1 contrôle le canal calcique RyR1 dans la membrane du réticulum. Pour le CET, CaV1.1 contrôle la pannexine 1 (Panx1), un canal à ATP de la membrane ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    Übergeordneter Titel: ; Tissues and Organs [q-bio.TO]. Université de Lyon, 2021. English. ⟨NNT : 2021LYSE1082⟩
    Schlagworte: Skeletal muscle; Excitacion-Contraction Coupling; Pannexins; ATP release; Probenecid; Calcium; Muscle function; Obesity; Muscle squelettique; Couplage excitation-Contraction; Panexinnes; Liberation d’ATP; Probenecide; Fonction musculaire; Obesité; [SDV.MHEP.PHY]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology/Tissues and Organs [q-bio.TO]


  13. Towards a German grammar programme for post-leaving certificate students at Dublin City University
    Erschienen: 2017

    With the introduction of the communicative method of language learning, overall standards of grammatical competence and performance among Irish second level students would appear to have been significantly reduced. As a consequence, learners who... mehr


    With the introduction of the communicative method of language learning, overall standards of grammatical competence and performance among Irish second level students would appear to have been significantly reduced. As a consequence, learners who continue to study a given language at third level apparently no longer possess the knowledge which, under the grammar-translation methodology, further education institutions were able to build upon. This thesis examines the basis for the above perceptions, investigates the role of formal grammar instruction in the second language acquisition process and reports on a programme which was developed at Dublin City University (DCU) in order to ease, for Irish university students of German, the transition from a primarily memory-based approach to language acquisition to the analytical approach which is still being considered crucial to a university student's linguistic education. While the research was undertaken in response to locally existing difficulties, it may also be considered as a case study of more general interest, and as such serve as an exemplar to German departments in other universities as well as to other foreign language departments both within DCU or outside. The aim of the programme under investigation was to ease the transition on a socio-affective, cognitive and metacognitive level without lowering overall proficiency expectations and standards. Primary research was conducted among secondary school teachers, post-Leaving Certificate students on entry into DCU and among third level lecturers. The purpose of this research was to identify and define the programme’s content and progression. To this effect, the German junior and senior cycle syllabi at second level were also taken into consideration. The subsequent German grammar programme was implemented at DCU in the academic year 1996/7. While the programme would appear to have been judged favourably regarding some affective and cognitive-motivational aspects, results show mixed success rates for the other two factors under investigation, cognitive-analytical and metacognitive skills. Thus, some degree courses and some language combinations clearly benefited more from the programme than others. One of the conclusions drawn from this research suggests that unless certain changes are introduced prior to students’ entry into third level, university graduates are likely to remain well below the standards of accuracy and overall proficiency which were previously achieved.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)

    Creative Commons - Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitung 3.0

  14. Right Dislocation and Afterthought in German - Investigations on Multiple Levels
    Erschienen: 2019

    When investigating the right sentence periphery in German, two constructions are encountered that appear to be rather similar at first glance: right dislocation and afterthought. Irrespective of this superficial similarity, right dislocation and... mehr


    When investigating the right sentence periphery in German, two constructions are encountered that appear to be rather similar at first glance: right dislocation and afterthought. Irrespective of this superficial similarity, right dislocation and afterthought can be distinguished at multiple levels of linguistic description. This thesis aims at providing a more nuanced understanding of right dislocation and afterthought by providing empirical investigations, both qualitative and quantitative in nature, employing analyses of experimentally acquired data as well as corpus analyses. It is shown that right dislocation and afterthought are best defined on the basis of the functions they take in discourse rather than on the basis of their prosodic realisations, and that their functional differences are reflected in a number of linguistic parameters, such as their morpho-syntactic con¬straints as well as their degree of syntactic integratedness, their prosodic features, and even their punctuation in written texts.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Deutsch; Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
  15. Weaving patterns : the function of form in creative German-English poetry translation
    Autor*in: Ziaja, Ursula
    Erschienen: 2020

    Poetry is very challenging to translators and often even regarded to be untranslatable because the unity of form and content is after Robert Frost’s famous saying considered to be “lost in translation.” This problem has resulted in a highly... mehr


    Poetry is very challenging to translators and often even regarded to be untranslatable because the unity of form and content is after Robert Frost’s famous saying considered to be “lost in translation.” This problem has resulted in a highly controversial debate whether to give priority to form or content if both cannot be preserved. In the age of free verse, that often results in a neglect of poetic form. Whether preference is given to form or content, however, it is striking that the general assumption underlying the debate seems to be that form and content are two separable entities and that one can be preserved without the other. My dissertation, on the other hand, builds on the assumption that both form and content are part of the dynamic meaning construal of the translator. Rather than supporting untranslatability claims with this notion, I aim to show that the constraint of poetic form can foster the finding of innovative solutions. I analyse my own and other poetry translations together with their source texts on the basis of categories that were developed from a cross-fertilisation of (cognitive) linguistics, literary and translation studies in order to investigate the inherent potentials of sound, rhythmical and grammatical structures and their realisation in creative reading and translating. My approach is therefore a transdisciplinary combination of theory from different fields and practise. The analysis reveals a multitude of functions of form and formal patterning in the creative meaning construction of the translator and the transFORMations resulting in a translation that is not necessarily inferior to the source text.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Deutsche Versdichtung (831); Englisch, Altenglisch (420); Englische Versdichtung (821)
    Schlagworte: Kreativität; Lyrik; Übersetzung; Deutsch; Englisch; Rhythmus; Grammatik; Laut; Form; Funktion; Kognitive Linguistik; Kognitive Poetik


  16. The political, the urban, and the cosmopolitan : the 1970s generation in Romanian-German poetry
    Erschienen: 2010

    This study is an introduction to the body of work produced by the German poets who were born during or after World War II in Romania and whose almost simultaneous debut lies in the relatively liberal period 1965 – 1971. Helped onto the... mehr


    This study is an introduction to the body of work produced by the German poets who were born during or after World War II in Romania and whose almost simultaneous debut lies in the relatively liberal period 1965 – 1971. Helped onto the Romanian-German literary scene by a propitious environment and informed by the socialist ideology they were born “into,” the poets born between 1942 and 1955 formed a remarkable generation unit which sought to significantly renew German-language literature in Romania. Rejecting identification with the insulary Romanian-German communities, the young poets strove to create a socially and politically relevant verse expressing an urban and cosmopolitan attitude. The growing nationalist rhetoric and isolationist stance of Romania's regime and the material and psychological hardships endured by its population through the 1970s and 80s forced the generation to revise its incipient enthusiasm for Romanian socialism. Increasingly, the poets' work came to depict the threatened existence of the German minority and the harsh general living conditions in Romania and to provide an alternative to the absurd official proclamations of a “golden age” under Ceauşescu, despite the poetry's growing reliance on obscuring literary techniques. The emigration of most of the generation members in the mid to late 1980s brought about the eventual unravelling of the generation unit and marks the end of my study. By following the evolution of three themes – social and political engagement, the German minority, and the urban environment – which define the poets as a generation throughout their literary careers in Romania, the analysis illuminates not only the generation's development from identification with Romanian socialism and rejection of the German minority to criticism of the country's policies and a renewed interest in the fate of the German community but also the changing possibilities and limits of literary expression under communism. In addition to providing an introduction to the body of work ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  17. Interpretation and shift functions of demonstrative pronouns
    Erschienen: 2021

    This thesis focuses on two discourse functions of German demonstrative pronouns: the backward function and the forward function. The backward function refers to the anaphoric use in which a pronoun picks up a referent from a previous discourse,... mehr


    This thesis focuses on two discourse functions of German demonstrative pronouns: the backward function and the forward function. The backward function refers to the anaphoric use in which a pronoun picks up a referent from a previous discourse, whereby demonstratives typically refer to less prominent referents. The forward function refers to the idea that particular referential forms impact the prominence structure of subsequent discourse in discrete ways: it has been argued that demonstratives draw attention to a previously less prominent referent and enhance its prominence status in the subsequent discourse. Since German uses different types of demonstrative pronouns this thesis investigates the different functional contributions of "der" and "dieser". The results from a sentence continuation task show that both demonstrative pronouns are interpreted as referring to the less prominent proto-patient from the previous clause (backward function). However, in two event-related potential (ERP) experiments, "dieser" evoked a more pronounced negative deflection (N400). Since the N400 has been related to predictive processing, this finding could indicate that "dieser" is more strongly associated with the less predicted (i.e. the less prominent) referent. In addition, the results from the text continuation analysis show that participants mention the previously less prominent referent (i.e. the proto-patient) more often in their continuations when they interpret an ambiguous pronoun as referring to the proto-patient from the previous clause (forward function). The participants also use more reduced referential forms such as pronouns for that character in their continuations, which reflects its enhanced prominence status. "Dieser" also evoked pronounced late positive deflections in the ERP experiments, which are associated with mental model updating. Mental model updating is necessary when the prominence status of a referent changes, as indicated by "dieser".


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Deutsch; Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
  18. Emotion Concepts in Context - A Contrastive Analysis of English and German Discourse
    Erschienen: 2020

    Emotion Concepts in Context – A Contrastive Analysis of English and German Discourse examines emotion concepts from a contrastive perspective, explicitly taking into account their linguistic and cognitive context. This is made possible in particular... mehr


    Emotion Concepts in Context – A Contrastive Analysis of English and German Discourse examines emotion concepts from a contrastive perspective, explicitly taking into account their linguistic and cognitive context. This is made possible in particular by the integrative character of the present theoretical approach, which combines approaches from cognitive corpus linguistics, pragmatics and interactive sociolinguistics and extends the Emotion Event model (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk 2010) stemming from cognitive corpus linguistics. Based on existing contrastive studies on pragmatic differences between English and German, as well as on studies on Emotion Events (EE), differences in the linguistic realization of EE including their contextual configurations are expected. However, how British and German EE differ, including their linguistic and cognitive context, has not yet been investigated. The present work is the first to relate existing findings regarding pragmatic differences between English and German to the linguistic realization of emotions in discourse, or more precisely, emotion concepts in their linguistic and cognitive context. Indeed, previous studies on English and German emotion concepts are mainly located in lexical semantics and cognitive semantics and largely neglect linguistic and cognitive context. Furthermore, in contrast to existing studies, the focus of this work is not only on specific emotion concepts, but covers a broader emotional spectrum. The present dissertation is one of the few existing studies on emotion discourse that is corpus-based which allows the quantification of emotion concepts including their linguistic and cognitive context. In addition, British and German emotion concepts are examined in this dissertation for the first time in the genre of 'personal narrative'. The present work is based on a corpus (114,024 words) which has been compiled in an experiment. British (n=62) and German (n=68) students were asked to write personal narratives (n=260) on the subjects of 'unfair grading' ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Englisch, Altenglisch (420); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Englisch; Deutsch; Diskurs; Gefühl; Kontrastive Linguistik; Kognitive Linguistik
    Lizenz: ; Deutsches Urheberrecht mit Print on Demand ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  19. Electronic Complaints : An Empirical Study on British English and German Complaints on eBay
    Erschienen: 2010
    Verlag:  Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn

    Cross-cultural differences in computer-mediated communication (CMC) have received little attention so far, especially with regard to complaining behaviour. It is therefore the aim of the present study to contribute to this still unexplored research... mehr


    Cross-cultural differences in computer-mediated communication (CMC) have received little attention so far, especially with regard to complaining behaviour. It is therefore the aim of the present study to contribute to this still unexplored research area by comparing British English and German complaints in CMC, precisely on eBay. This study is thus anchored in the field of cross-cultural pragmatics, and the main approach taken is speech-act based. However, since complaints are always embedded in discourse and therefore occur as post-event, the present investigation also takes the contextual factors of the data into account, thus additionally drawing on research from discourse analysis. The overall aim of this study is a comparison of the British English and German production of computer-mediated complaints and, consequently, a description of similarities and differences, of which the latter may lead to misunderstandings in cross-cultural electronic communicative situations. Specifically, the collected complaints were analysed according to five categories: the use of complaint strategies, the chosen level of directness, the employment of modification, the use of pronouns, and the handling of CMC features. In the light of these categories, the following research questions guided the investigation: Do British and German traders’ computer-mediated complaints differ with regard to the five categories of analysis? Does the reason for complaining influence their linguistic choices? Does it make a difference whether they have one or two reasons for their online complaint? In order to find answers to these research questions, British English and German complaints were taken from the British and German feedback forum of the online auction house eBay and analysed according to the five categories. The results were then statistically compared. The findings of this project show both similarities and differences in the way British English and German eBay users formulate their online complaints. Differences become apparent with ...


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  20. Boundary work and agricultural innovation systems : Stakeholder interaction and learning using an example of push-pull technology in Ethiopia
    Erschienen: 2019
    Verlag:  Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn

    Maize is an important cereal crop for food security in Ethiopia. However, its productivity is low with average grain yields of less than 1 ton/ha which is below its potential of over 4 ton/ha. This is attributed to a variety of biophysical as well as... mehr


    Maize is an important cereal crop for food security in Ethiopia. However, its productivity is low with average grain yields of less than 1 ton/ha which is below its potential of over 4 ton/ha. This is attributed to a variety of biophysical as well as socio-economic and institutional factors including weak linkages between research and practice. Despite high investments and the existence of technologies to improve smallholder maize productivity, there are low rates of adoption and even rejection. This is partly attributed to the non-participatory nature and linear structure of agricultural extension delivery systems which is not tailored to the potentials of different agro-ecological zones and the needs of the farmers. An analysis based on an innovation systems approach was considered in this study as a possible strategy to explore how researchers and other stakeholders can work together during technology planning and implementation. The Push-pull technology (PPT) was used as a boundary object to provide an opportunity for collaboration, interaction and learning among the stakeholders. The PPT is a biological based strategy for stemborer pest control in maize. In this strategy, maize crop is intercropped with a fodder legume, Desmodium (the push), together with an attractant trap plant, Napier/Brachiaria grass (the pull), planted around maize-legume intercrop. Using a transdisciplinary action research process, the study was implemented in Bako, Jimma Arjo and Yayu Woredas in the Oromia region of Ethiopia. Qualitative research methods were used in data collection: 37 key informant interviews, 20 Focus Group discussions, 2 stakeholder workshops, on-farm practical demonstrations and participant observations. The study lasted 8 months from August 2014 to April 2015. The qualitative data were manually transcribed into themes and analyzed using content analysis and interpreted in relation with research objectives, concepts and theories used in this study. The findings show that the PPT implementation involving ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Mais; Stemborers; Push-pull-Technologie; Beteiligte; Äthiopien; Maize; Push-pull technology; Stakeholders; Ethiopia

    In Copyright ; ; openAccess

  21. The representation of work in German grammar books
    Autor*in: Leahy, Angela
    Erschienen: 2004

    This dissertation explores the language of three German grammar books and accompanying exercise books which are produced in Germany for international students of German. It examines how the examples and exercises presented in these books constitute... mehr


    This dissertation explores the language of three German grammar books and accompanying exercise books which are produced in Germany for international students of German. It examines how the examples and exercises presented in these books constitute ‘colony texts’ which convey different representations of human activity to the reader. Analysis of the language used in the German grammar books centres on the Linguistics of Representation and borrows techniques used normally in Corpus Linguistics. By using WordSmith Tools this study shows how particular terms (nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives) occur with greater frequency than others in the books under analysis thereby representing certain human activities more strongly than others. The activity of ‘work*, in particular, emerges in the grammar books as a key human activity and consequently provides the main focus for analysis in this study. Concordances relating to ‘work’ are grouped and analysed in terms of what they reveal about popular professions, workplace hierarchy and attitudes and approaches to work. Findings are considered from three perspectives: what they reveal to the researcher and learners of German about the representation of ‘work’ in the chosen context, how they compare to findings from comparative analyses of German textbooks and how they can contribute to our overall understanding of ‘text*. Grammar book examples and exercises emerge as ‘texts’ which have significant potential to reflect cultural norms and attitudes despite being considered generally as a source of innocuous and unremarkable language.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  22. Treebank-based grammar acquisition for German
    Autor*in: Rehbein, Ines
    Erschienen: 2009

    Manual development of deep linguistic resources is time-consuming and costly and therefore often described as a bottleneck for traditional rule-based NLP. In my PhD thesis I present a treebank-based method for the automatic acquisition of LFG... mehr


    Manual development of deep linguistic resources is time-consuming and costly and therefore often described as a bottleneck for traditional rule-based NLP. In my PhD thesis I present a treebank-based method for the automatic acquisition of LFG resources for German. The method automatically creates deep and rich linguistic presentations from labelled data (treebanks) and can be applied to large data sets. My research is based on and substantially extends previous work on automatically acquiring wide-coverage, deep, constraint-based grammatical resources from the English Penn-II treebank (Cahill et al.,2002; Burke et al., 2004; Cahill, 2004). Best results for English show a dependency f-score of 82.73% (Cahill et al., 2008) against the PARC 700 dependency bank, outperforming the best hand-crafted grammar of Kaplan et al. (2004). Preliminary work has been carried out to test the approach on languages other than English, providing proof of concept for the applicability of the method (Cahill et al., 2003; Cahill, 2004; Cahill et al., 2005). While first results have been promising, a number of important research questions have been raised. The original approach presented first in Cahill et al. (2002) is strongly tailored to English and the datastructures provided by the Penn-II treebank (Marcus et al., 1993). English is configurational and rather poor in inflectional forms. German, by contrast, features semi-free word order and a much richer morphology. Furthermore, treebanks for German differ considerably from the Penn-II treebank as regards data structures and encoding schemes underlying the grammar acquisition task. In my thesis I examine the impact of language-specific properties of German as well as linguistically motivated treebank design decisions on PCFG parsing and LFG grammar acquisition. I present experiments investigating the influence of treebank design on PCFG parsing and show which type of representations are useful for the PCFG and LFG grammar acquisition tasks. Furthermore, I present a novel approach ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  23. Learning strategies and oral proficiency: an investigation of the language learning strategies associated with the achievement of higher levels of oral proficiency in German
    Erschienen: 2000

    This study identifies the language learning strategies associated with the achievement of higher levels o f oral proficiency in German for one hundred Irish third level students. It is one of the first studies of this kind to be conducted in Ireland... mehr


    This study identifies the language learning strategies associated with the achievement of higher levels o f oral proficiency in German for one hundred Irish third level students. It is one of the first studies of this kind to be conducted in Ireland and one of the very few, if any, conducted on third level learners of German. Furthermore, as well as identifying the strategies associated with higher levels of proficiency, the study also investigates how these strategies are used by learners displaying higher and lower levels of proficiency. It then explores the question of how the strategies associated with higher levels of proficiency contribute to the process of proficiency development, and how students perceive them as contributing to this process. Finally, the relationships between learner specific characteristics, strategic behaviour and proficiency levels are assessed. The experimental design combines a quantitative survey with in-depth interviews. The results indicate that orally more proficient students use more strategies more frequently. In particular, they use more cognitive, metacognitive and social strategies. Furthermore, they have a repertoire of approximately ten key strategies which they employ in a structured, purposeful manner and apply to a range of language learning situations. They are convinced that these strategies contribute to the development of proficiency, a view which is borne out by the quantitative findings. Finally, higher levels of motivation and more positive perceptions of personal proficiency levels are strongly associated with higher levels of both strategic behaviour and oral proficiency. These findings have significant theoretical and practical implications. Firstly, they demonstrate the importance of expanding the research framework in studies of this kind beyond the mere identification of the strategies associated with higher proficiency levels. Instead, as in this study, future research should incorporate questions relating to the process of strategy implementation by ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  24. Acquisition pace and developmental path of early second language learners of German. A longitudinal study on acquisition of morphosyntax and semantics
    Erschienen: 2020

    This thesis investigates the acquisition pace and the typical developmental path in eL2 acquisition of selected phenomena of German morphosyntax and semantics and compared them to monolingual acquisition. In addition, the influence of ‘Age of Onset’... mehr


    This thesis investigates the acquisition pace and the typical developmental path in eL2 acquisition of selected phenomena of German morphosyntax and semantics and compared them to monolingual acquisition. In addition, the influence of ‘Age of Onset’ and of external factors on eL2 acquisition is examined. To date, the most studies on eL2 acquisition focused on language production. Based on mostly longitudinal spontaneous speech data of only small number of children, they indicate that eL2 learners acquire sentence structure and subject-verb-agreement faster than monolingual children, whereas the acquisition of case marking causes them more difficulties. Moreover, similar developmental paths to those of monolingual children are claimed. Only several studies examined comprehension abilities in eL2 learners, however overwhelmingly in cross-sectional design. The findings from comprehension studies on telic and atelic verbs, and on wh-questions indicate that eL2 children acquire their target-like interpretation faster than monolingual children. The same acquisition stages towards target-like interpretation like in monolingual acquisition are assumed as well. Taking together, to date, no study exists, that examines comprehension and production abilities in a large group of eL2 learners of German in a longitudinal design. This thesis extends the previous results by investigating pace of acquisition, impact of factors, and individual developmental paths in a longitudinal design with large groups of participants. Language data of 29 eL2 learners of German (age at T1: 3;7 years, LoE: 10 months) and 45 monolingual German-speaking children (age at T1: 3;7) are examined. The eL2 learners were tested in six test rounds (age at T6: 6;9 years). The monolingual children were tested in five test rounds (are at T5: 5;7). The standardized test LiSe-DaZ (Schulz & Tracy, 2011) was employed to examine children’s language skills. eL2 learners show a significantly greater rate of change, thus faster acquisition pace, than monolingual ...


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Linguistik (410); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  25. Derived accessibility in sentence production : experimental investigations of structural and perceptual priming in german
    Erschienen: 2021

    This thesis reports three experiments on structural choices during grammatical encoding in monolingual adult speakers of German. Conceptual accessibility, one of the most central notions in language production research, as well as the phenomena of... mehr


    This thesis reports three experiments on structural choices during grammatical encoding in monolingual adult speakers of German. Conceptual accessibility, one of the most central notions in language production research, as well as the phenomena of structural and perceptual priming are investigated. In the first two experiments, a manipulation in terms of inherent conceptual accessibility which has shown universal influences on language production - the factor animacy - is combined with a manipulation making the non-canonical passive structure itself more accessible via structural priming. Results show that, in addition to a preference for animate entities preceding inanimate entities, speakers can be structurally primed. Structural priming of passive structures led to significantly more passive responses compared to (intransitive) baseline structures. This holds for monologue settings (Experiment 1) as well as dialogue settings (Experiment 2). The structural priming effect was stronger in the dialogue setting compared to the monologue setting. The third experiment combines contexts manipulating the derived conceptual accessibility of one of two entities to be described with a visual cueing manipulation increasing the perceptual accessibility of one of the referents. Whereas a comprehensive literature review as well as the experimental work conducted within this thesis suggest that animacy and topicalization may exert universal influences on structural choices during language production, perceptual accessibility does not seem to have this potential. In line with previous cross-linguistic work, perceptual priming in form of an implicit visual cueing manipulation did not show significant effects on speakers' structural choices in German. These findings contrast with findings obtained for English, suggesting that language-specific characteristics in terms of word order flexibility may influence effcts on grammatical encoding during language production. Increasing the derived accessibility of one of two referents, ...


    Export in Literaturverwaltung   RIS-Format
    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess