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Es wurden 13 Ergebnisse gefunden.

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  1. Robotic Surgery Training in AR: Multimodal Record and Replay
    Erschienen: 2021
    Verlag:  Universität Stuttgart

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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Masterarbeit
    Format: Online
  2. The influence of prosodic, syntactic and lexical aspects on referent tracking in German
    Autor*in: Cho, Hae-Eun
    Erschienen: 2020

    This thesis investigates the influence of syntactic, semantic, prosodic and information structural factors on the referential bias in a highly controlled story continuation task in spoken German. mehr


    This thesis investigates the influence of syntactic, semantic, prosodic and information structural factors on the referential bias in a highly controlled story continuation task in spoken German.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Deutsch; Englisch
    Medientyp: Masterarbeit
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
  3. Possessive Constructions in Modern Low Saxon
    Erschienen: 2004

    This thesis is a study of nominal possessive constructions in modern Low Saxon, a West Germanic language which is closely related to Dutch, Frisian, and German. After identifying the possessive constructions in current use in modern Low Saxon, I give... mehr


    This thesis is a study of nominal possessive constructions in modern Low Saxon, a West Germanic language which is closely related to Dutch, Frisian, and German. After identifying the possessive constructions in current use in modern Low Saxon, I give a formal syntactic analysis of the four most common possessive constructions within the framework of Lexical Functional Grammar in the first part of this thesis. The four constructions that I will analyze in detail include a pronominal possessive construction with a possessive pronoun used as a determiner of the head noun, another prenominal construction that resembles the English s-possessive, a linker construction in which a possessive pronoun occurs as a possessive marker in between a prenominal possessor phrase and the head noun, and a postnominal construction that involves the preposition van/von/vun and is largely parallel to the English of-possessive. In the second part of this thesis, I report the results of a corpus study on the range of use of the four possessive constructions analyzed in the first part. I show that the four constructions constitute a case of syntactic alternation and try to determine the prototypical contexts in which they are used. I sample a reasonable number of instances of each of the four constructions and annotate them with information about morphosyntactic, semantic, and functional factors in order to obtain an objective picture of the typical uses of the four constructions.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Deutsch; Englisch
    Medientyp: Masterarbeit
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Andere germanische Sprachen (439)


  4. Mit fremder Zunge ; Experimente mit interkultureller Literatur im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache
    Erschienen: 2019

    Was bedeutet Fremdheit? Wie äußert sie sich? Was bedeutet Fremdheit im Hinblick auf Literatur und Kultur? Diese Fragen werden in dieser Arbeit mittels einer verflechtenden Analyse von Theorie und Literatur untersucht. Das deutschsprachige Werk der... mehr


    Was bedeutet Fremdheit? Wie äußert sie sich? Was bedeutet Fremdheit im Hinblick auf Literatur und Kultur? Diese Fragen werden in dieser Arbeit mittels einer verflechtenden Analyse von Theorie und Literatur untersucht. Das deutschsprachige Werk der Autorin Tawada Yoko bildet dabei Ort und Ausgangspunkt der theoretischen Analyse, sowie auch der praktischen Umsetzung. Es wird das fachliche Anliegen verfolgt, in der didaktischen Aufarbeitung von Literatur im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache nicht die inhaltliche und ästhetische Analyse, sondern die Erfahrung an sich in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Es soll dabei gezeigt werden, wie auch beim Lesen in der Fremdsprache die Ästhetik sinnlich wahrgenommen wird, selbst wenn Leerstellen im Textverständnis entstehen. In diesem Zuge wird ein eigenes Experiment anhand einer Adaption der Methode der globalen Simulation entwickelt.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Deutsch; Englisch; Französisch
    Medientyp: Masterarbeit
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Interkulturelle Literatur; Deutsch als Fremdsprache; Globale Simulation; Yoko Tawada

  5. Instantiation and implementation of a corpus query lingua franca
    Erschienen: 2015

    The present thesis introduces KoralQuery, a protocol for the generic representation of queries to linguistic corpora. KoralQuery defines a set of types and operations which serve as abstract representations of linguistic entities and configurations.... mehr


    The present thesis introduces KoralQuery, a protocol for the generic representation of queries to linguistic corpora. KoralQuery defines a set of types and operations which serve as abstract representations of linguistic entities and configurations. By combining these types and operations in a nested structure, the protocol may express linguistic structures of arbitrary complexity. It achieves a high degree of neutrality with regard to linguistic theory, as it provides flexible structures that allow for the setting of certain parameters to access several complementing and concurrent sources and layers of annotation on the same textual data. JSON-LD is used as a serialisation format for KoralQuery, which allows for the well-defined and normalised exchange of linguistic queries between query engines to promote their interoperability. The automatic translation of queries issued in any of three supported query languages to such KoralQuery serialisations is the second main contribution of this thesis. By employing the introduced translation module, query engines may also work independently of particular query languages, as their backend technology may rely entirely on the abstract KoralQuery representations of the queries. Thus, query engines may provide support for several query languages at once without any additional overhead. The original idea of a general format for the representation of linguistic queries comes from an initiative called Corpus Query Lingua Franca (CQLF), whose theoretic backbone and practical considerations are outlined in the first part of this thesis. This part also includes a brief survey of three typologically different corpus query languages, thus demonstrating their wide variety of features and defining the minimal target space of linguistic types and operations to be covered by KoralQuery. ; Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert KoralQuery, ein Protokoll für die allgemeine Repräsentation von Anfragen an linguistische Korpora. KoralQuery definiert eine Menge von Typen und Operationen, welche ...


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Masterarbeit
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Linguistik (410)
    Schlagworte: Korpus; Computerlinguistik; Textlinguistik; SQL
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  6. Sie heißt Hanna, er heißt Nico ; Kategorien von Geschlecht in Lehrwerken Deutsch als Zweit- und Fremdsprache.
    Erschienen: 2019

    Im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs gilt Gender, und die damit verbundene Heteronormativität, mittlerweile als fest etablierte Kategorie. Auf ähnliche Weise scheint sich Gender auch im Alltag der Mehrheitsgesellschaft konstituiert zu haben, wenngleich sich... mehr


    Im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs gilt Gender, und die damit verbundene Heteronormativität, mittlerweile als fest etablierte Kategorie. Auf ähnliche Weise scheint sich Gender auch im Alltag der Mehrheitsgesellschaft konstituiert zu haben, wenngleich sich schnell herauskristallisieren lässt, dass die Legitimation dieser eigentlich höchst komplexen Kategorien zumeist in Alltagsmythen und Stereotypen fußt. Auch wenn dieser Diskurswandel insgesamt nicht überall auf Begeisterung stößt , erweckt er doch den Anschein, dass es in den meisten Bereichen des Lebens einen Platz gefunden hat. Das lässt sich auch an der riesigen Menge an populärwissenschaftlichen Publikationen feststellen. Wenn sich mehr Verlage diesem Thema anzunehmen scheinen, sollte dies auch für Lehrwerke für den fremdsprachlichen Erwerb wie Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) oder Deutsch als Zweitsprache (DaZ) gelten. Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit soll ausgehend von diesen Überlegungen untersucht werden, wie und ob die Kategorie Geschlecht in Deutsch als Zweit- und Fremdsprache Lehrwerken konstruiert und perpetuiert wird. Es soll eine exemplarische Analyse anhand des Lehrwerk Schritte plus Neu A1.1 durchgeführt werden, um aufzuzeigen, welche sozialen Praktiken zur Festigung des zweigeschlechtlichen Diskurse genutzt werden. Da es sich bei dem gewählten Lehrwerk um ein für den Integrationskurs in Deutschland zugelassenes Lehrwerk handelt, wird sich die Arbeit hauptsächlich auf den deutschsprachigen Diskurs beschränken. Zusätzlich muss außerdem die macht- und herrschaftskritische Bedeutung dieses Kurses mit einbezogen werden.


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  7. Cultural Materials in Representative German Textbooks Used in the Chicago Public High Schools During the School Year 1938-1939
    Erschienen: 1940

  8. The laws of terrorism: Representations of terrorism in German literature and film
    Erschienen: 2013

    Representations of the reasons and actions of terrorists have appeared in German literature tracing back to the age of Sturm und Drang of the 18th century, most notably in Heinrich von Kleist's Michael Kohlhaas and Friedrich Schiller's Die Räuber,... mehr


    Representations of the reasons and actions of terrorists have appeared in German literature tracing back to the age of Sturm und Drang of the 18th century, most notably in Heinrich von Kleist's Michael Kohlhaas and Friedrich Schiller's Die Räuber, and more recently since the radical actions of the Red Army Faction during the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as in Uli Edel's film, The Baader Meinhof Complex. By referring to Walter Benjamin's system of natural law and positive law, which provides definitions of differing codes of ethics with relation to state laws and personal ethics, one should be able to understand that Michael Kohlhaas, Karl Moor, and the members of the RAF are indeed represented as terrorists. However, their actions and motives are not without an internal ethics, which conflicts with that of their respective state-sanctioned authorities. This thesis reveals the similarities and differences in motives, methods, and use of violence in Schiller, Kleist, and representations of the RAF and explores how the turn to terrorism can arise from a logical realization that ideologies of state law do not align with the personal sense of justice and law of the individual.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Masterarbeit
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Öffentliche Darbietungen, Film, Rundfunk (791); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  9. Origin of the German Novel
    Erschienen: 1927

  10. Spaces of Memory in Giorgio Bassani, Ruth Klüger and W.G. Sebald
    Erschienen: 2004

    At the core of this paper is the interrelation of space and memory. Pierre Nora s term lieux de mémoire suggests a spatial component, or at least a specific frame of time and space for remembering. The three authors I am examining all use space as a... mehr


    At the core of this paper is the interrelation of space and memory. Pierre Nora s term lieux de mémoire suggests a spatial component, or at least a specific frame of time and space for remembering. The three authors I am examining all use space as a major element for the organization of their books, and all address the problem of commemorating the past without abandoning its memory to fixed structures. They use space as an aid to retrieve memories but make clear that, ultimately, space alone cannot contain these memories for us. All three authors, in one way or the other, insist that remembering has to be active, dialogic, interpretative, intertextual, intermedial; it is a process that continues to engage people in a confrontation with the past. For each author, writing about memory and remembering is either an open and experimental process, or an unfinished work-in-progress that will be modified as time passes. Each of the books I examine is an example of what I describe as the ideal memorial: It causes the readers to interact with the past, to modify their opinions, and encourages dialogue with other books and other readers. And each book commemorates people and places that have been lost in official records and forgotten in public commemorations. Giorgio Bassani has remained closest to the site of his own and his characters suffering and has centered his entire oeuvre on this site: the city of Ferrara. Like no other author he has created his own city of collective memory, which is composed of and developed through the various layers of memory of its inhabitants. W.G. Sebald s characters are all emigrants in one way or another: far from home, they are displaced and nomadic people who experience space as refuge and prison at the same time. Some are absorbed by the structures of cities, where they try to unearth a past that is lost for them or that has been repressed. Austerlitz and Die Ausgewanderten perhaps come closest to a kind of modern memory book, as they commemorate people in a documentary style ...


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  11. Cultural Materials in Representative German Textbooks Used in the Chicago Public High Schools During the School Year 1938-1939

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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Masterarbeit; masterThesis
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Bildung und Erziehung (370); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)



  12. Origin of the German Novel

    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Masterarbeit; masterThesis
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  13. The laws of terrorism: Representations of terrorism in German literature and film

    Representations of the reasons and actions of terrorists have appeared in German literature tracing back to the age of Sturm und Drang of the 18th century, most notably in Heinrich von Kleist's Michael Kohlhaas and Friedrich Schiller's Die Räuber,... mehr


    Representations of the reasons and actions of terrorists have appeared in German literature tracing back to the age of Sturm und Drang of the 18th century, most notably in Heinrich von Kleist's Michael Kohlhaas and Friedrich Schiller's Die Räuber, and more recently since the radical actions of the Red Army Faction during the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as in Uli Edel's film, The Baader Meinhof Complex. By referring to Walter Benjamin's system of natural law and positive law, which provides definitions of differing codes of ethics with relation to state laws and personal ethics, one should be able to understand that Michael Kohlhaas, Karl Moor, and the members of the RAF are indeed represented as terrorists. However, their actions and motives are not without an internal ethics, which conflicts with that of their respective state-sanctioned authorities. This thesis reveals the similarities and differences in motives, methods, and use of violence in Schiller, Kleist, and representations of the RAF and explores how the turn to terrorism can arise from a logical realization that ideologies of state law do not align with the personal sense of justice and law of the individual.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Masterarbeit; masterThesis
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Öffentliche Darbietungen, Film, Rundfunk (791); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)

