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  1. The ethnolinguistic school of Lublin and Anglo-American cognitive linguistics
  2. Responsibility and action. Invariants and diversity in object requests in Polish and British English interaction
    Erschienen: 2015

    The authors compare the use of two formats for requesting an object in informal everyday interaction: imperatives, common in our Polish data, and second-person polar questions, common in our English data. Imperatives and polar questions are selected... mehr


    The authors compare the use of two formats for requesting an object in informal everyday interaction: imperatives, common in our Polish data, and second-person polar questions, common in our English data. Imperatives and polar questions are selected in the same interactional “home environments” across the languages, in which they enact two social actions: drawing on shared responsibility and enlisting assistance, respectively. Speakers across the languages differ in their choice of request format in “mixed” interactional environments that support either. The finding shed light on the orderly ways in which cultural diversity is grounded in invariants of action formation.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einer Zeitschrift
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Englisch; Sprechakt; Imperativ; Entscheidungsfrage; Polnisch
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  3. How to propose an action as an objective necessity. The case of Polish trzeba x (‘one needs to x’)
    Erschienen: 2015

    The present study demonstrates that language-specific grammatical resources can afford speakers language-specific ways of organizing cooperative practical action. On the basis of video recordings of Polish families in their homes, we describe action... mehr


    The present study demonstrates that language-specific grammatical resources can afford speakers language-specific ways of organizing cooperative practical action. On the basis of video recordings of Polish families in their homes, we describe action affordances of the Polish impersonal modal declarative construction trzeba x (“one needs to x”) in the accomplishment of everyday domestic activities, such as cutting bread, bringing recalcitrant children back to the dinner table, or making phone calls. Trzeba-x turns in first position are regularly chosen by speakers to point to a possible action as an evident necessity for the furthering of some broader ongoing activity. Such turns in first position provide an environment in which recipients can enact shared responsibility by actively involving themselves in the relevant action. Treating the necessity as not restricted to any particular subject, aligning responsive actions are oriented to when the relevant action will be done, not whether it will be done. We show that such sequences are absent from English interactions by analyzing (a) grammatically similar turn formats in English interaction (“we need to x,” “the x needs to y”), and (b) similar interactive environments in English interactions. We discuss the potential of this research to point to a new avenue for researchers interested in the relationship between language diversity and diversity in human action and cognition.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einer Zeitschrift
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: indirekter Sprechakt; Modalverb; Familie; Polnisch
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  4. A cline of visible commitment in the situated design of imperative turns. Evidence from German and Polish
    Erschienen: 2017
    Verlag:  Amsterdam [u.a.] : Benjamins

    In the management of cooperation, the fit of a requested action with what the addressee is presently doing is a pervasively relevant consideration. We present evidence that imperative turns are adapted to, and reflexively create, contexts in which... mehr


    In the management of cooperation, the fit of a requested action with what the addressee is presently doing is a pervasively relevant consideration. We present evidence that imperative turns are adapted to, and reflexively create, contexts in which the other person is committed to the course of action advanced by the imperative. This evidence comes from systematic variation in the design of imperative turns, relative to the fittedness of the imperatively mandated action to the addressee’s ongoing trajectory of actions, what we call the “dine of com­mitment”. We present four points on this dine: Responsive imperatives perform an operation on the deontic dimension of what the addressee has announced or already begun to do (in particular its permissibility); local-project imperatives formulate a new action advancing a course of action in which the addressee is al­ready actively engaged; global-project-imperatives target a next task for which the addressee is available on the grounds of their participation in the overall event, and in the absence of any competing work; and competitive imperatives draw on a presently otherwise engaged addressee on the grounds of their social commit­ment to the relevant course of actions. These four turn shapes are increasingly complex, reflecting the interactional work required to bridge the increasing distance between what the addressee is currently doing, and what the imperative mandates. We present data from German and Polish informal and institutional settings.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einem Sammelband
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Polnisch; Deutsch; Aufforderungssatz; Konversationsanalysse; Imperativ; Kontrastive Linguistik
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  5. Ideological imagination. Intertextual and correlational metaphors in political discourse
    Autor*in: Zinken, Jörg
    Erschienen: 2014

    This article explores the role that metaphors play in the ideological interpretation of events. Research in cognitive linguistics has brought rich evidence of the enormous influence that body experience has on (metaphorical) conceptualization.... mehr


    This article explores the role that metaphors play in the ideological interpretation of events. Research in cognitive linguistics has brought rich evidence of the enormous influence that body experience has on (metaphorical) conceptualization. However, the role of the cultural net in which an individual is embedded has mostly been neglected. As a step towards the integration of cultural experience into the experientialist framework in cognitive metaphor research I propose to differentiate two ideal types of motivation for metaphor: correlation and intertextuality. Evidence for the important role that intertextual metaphors play in ideological discourse comes from an analysis of Polish newspaper discourse on the tenth anniversary of the end of communism.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einer Zeitschrift
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Linguistik (410)
    Schlagworte: Metapher; Kognitive Linguistik; Politische Sprache; Polnisch; Zeitung; Diskursanalyse
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  6. Nie mam nic przeciwko obcym, ale ci obcy nie są stąd. Konceptualizacja obcości w dyskursie prasowym w Polsce I w Niemczech
    Autor*in: Zinken, Jörg
    Erschienen: 2015

    W artykule tym przyglfjdam si. zasadniczej dia j.zykowego obrazu swiata opozycji mi.dzy swotm i obcym w przykladowych tckstach przynaleznych do polskiego i niemieckiego dyskursu Ideologieznego (politycznego). Za van Dijkicin przyjmuj., ze... mehr


    W artykule tym przyglfjdam si. zasadniczej dia j.zykowego obrazu swiata opozycji mi.dzy swotm i obcym w przykladowych tckstach przynaleznych do polskiego i niemieckiego dyskursu Ideologieznego (politycznego). Za van Dijkicin przyjmuj., ze charakterystyczne dla dyskursu ideologicznego jest ustalenie i reprodukeja rozr.zmenia mi.dzy grupa wlasn^ a innymi grupami. Funkcjq dyskursu ideologicznego jest legitymizaeja dzialan i przekonan grupy wlasnej oraz delegitymizacja dzialan i przekonan innych grup. W populamych czasopismach polskich i niemieckich, traktuj^cych o tematach politycznych ( Wprost i Spiegel) takie pojmowanie swojego i obeego wydaje si. byc akeeptowane. Konkretyzacja absttakcyjnych poj.c. sw.j i obey przy tym nie jest stala, a raczej funkcjonalnie zmienna, zaleznie od tego, kto ma byc postrzegany jako rialeziycy do grupy wlasnej, a kto ma byc z niej wylijczony.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Polnisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einer Zeitschrift
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Linguistik (410)
    Schlagworte: Deutsch; Fremdheit; Polnisch; Zeitung; Semantik
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  7. Polskie autostereotypy w debacie o transformacji ustrojowej
    Autor*in: Zinken, Jörg
    Erschienen: 2015

    W artykule przedstawiono analizç struktury metaforycznej polskich dyskursów na temat konca komunizmu panst wowego. Analizç przeprowadzono w oparciu o bazç danych, zawierajqcq 1008 metafor pochodzqcych z tekstów prasowych z 1999 roku, upamiçtniajqcych... mehr


    W artykule przedstawiono analizç struktury metaforycznej polskich dyskursów na temat konca komunizmu panst wowego. Analizç przeprowadzono w oparciu o bazç danych, zawierajqcq 1008 metafor pochodzqcych z tekstów prasowych z 1999 roku, upamiçtniajqcych wazne wydarzenia z 1989 roku. Jak siç okazuje, struktury metaforyczne róznych dyskursów wyrazajq i utrwalajq ideologjcznie uksztaltowane interpretacje historii. Szczegolowiej badano interpretacje metaforyczne dwóch zjawisk: zachowania siç przedstawicieli wladzy i opozycji przy Okrqglym Stole oraz pytania o ciqglosc historii. Te dwa zjawiska — których konceptualizacja gra waznq rolç w okreáleniu autostereotypu Polaka w III RP — sq interpretowane za pomocq róznego rodzaju metafor. Metaforyczne rozumienie ciqglosci historii da siç analizowac za pomocq tak zwanej „konceptualnej teorii metafory" LakofFa i Johnsona. Natomiast zachowania komunistów i opozycjonistów sq. interpretowane za pomoc^ metafor intertekstualnych. Sq one skonstruowane nie na podstawie doswiadczenia cielesnego, lecz doswiadczenia specyficznego dia danej kultury. Wydaje siç zatem, ze ksztaltowanie róznego rodzaju pojçc w dyskursie aktywizuje rózne strefy bazy doswiadczeniowej.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Polnisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einer Zeitschrift
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Linguistik (410)
    Schlagworte: Polnisch; Stereotypie; Metapher
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  8. Metaphern im politischen Diskurs. Die Rolle der Metapher in Vorstellungswelt und Argumentation (anhand von polnischen und deutschen Texten zum EU-Beitritt Polens)
    Erschienen: 2016
    Verlag:  Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Bern/Bruxelles/New York/Oxford/Wien : Lang

    ln dem vorliegenden Artikel zeigen die Autoren, welche Rolle Metaphern in Vorstellungswelt und Argumentation im Rahmen des politischen Diskurses spielen. Der Beitrag stellt eine empirische Analyse von polnischen und deutschen Pressetexten zum Thema... mehr


    ln dem vorliegenden Artikel zeigen die Autoren, welche Rolle Metaphern in Vorstellungswelt und Argumentation im Rahmen des politischen Diskurses spielen. Der Beitrag stellt eine empirische Analyse von polnischen und deutschen Pressetexten zum Thema der EU-Osterweiterung im Zeitraum Januar bis März 2000 dar. Der Analyse wurden auf polnischer Seite fünf der auflagestärksten überregionalen Tageszeitungen unterzogen. Auf deutscher Seite wurden die im ,Pressespiegel Polen‘ erfassten Zeitungen genutzt.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einem Sammelband
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400)
    Schlagworte: Europäische Union; Erweiterung; Metapher; Politische Sprache; Zeitungssprache; Polnisch; Deutsch
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  9. Recruiting assistance and collaboration in Polish
    Autor*in: Zinken, Jörg
    Erschienen: 2020
    Verlag:  Berlin : Language Science Press

    This chapter describes the resources that speakers of Polish use when recruiting assistance and collaboration from others in everyday social interaction. The chapter draws on data from video recordings of informal conversation in Polish, and reports... mehr


    This chapter describes the resources that speakers of Polish use when recruiting assistance and collaboration from others in everyday social interaction. The chapter draws on data from video recordings of informal conversation in Polish, and reports language-specific findings generated within a large-scale comparative project involving eight languages from five continents (see other chapters of this volume). The resources for recruitment described in this chapter include linguistic structures from across the levels of grammatical organization, as well as gestural and other visible and contextual resources of relevance to the interpretation of action in interaction. The presentation of categories of recruitment, and elements of recruitment sequences, follows the coding scheme used in the comparative project (see Chapter 2 of the volume). This chapter extends our knowledge of the structure and usage of Polish with detailed attention to the properties of sequential structure in conversational interaction. The chapter is a contribution to an emerging field of pragmatic typology.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einem Sammelband
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400)
    Schlagworte: Direktiv; Polnisch; Kooperation; Konversationsanalyse; Interaktion
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  10. Invoking rules in everyday family interactions: a method for appealing to practical reason
    Erschienen: 2023
    Verlag:  Springer Nature ; Mannheim : Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS)

    In this article we examine moments in which parents or other caregivers overtly invoke rules during episodes in which they take issue with, intervene against, and try to change a child’s ongoing behavior or action(s). Drawing on interactional data... mehr


    In this article we examine moments in which parents or other caregivers overtly invoke rules during episodes in which they take issue with, intervene against, and try to change a child’s ongoing behavior or action(s). Drawing on interactional data from four different languages (English, Finnish, German, Polish) and using Conversation Analytic methods, we first illustrate the variety of ways in which parents may use such overt rule invocations as part of their behavior modification attempts, showing them to be functionally versatile interactional objects. Their interactional flexibility notwithstanding, we find that parents typically invoke rules when, in the course of the intervention episode, they encounter trouble with achieving an acceptable compliant outcome. To get at the distinct import of rule formulations in this context, we then compare them to two sequential alternatives: parental expressions of an experienced negative affective state, and parental threats. While the former emphasize aspects of social solidarity, the latter seek to enforce compliance by foregrounding a power asymmetry between the parent and the child. Rule formulations, by contrast, are designedly impersonal and appear to be directed at what the parents construe as shortcomings in common-sense practical reasoning on the child’s part. Reflexively, the child is thereby cast as not having properly applied common-sense ‘practical reason’ when engaging in what is treated as the problematic behavior or action. Overt rule invocations can, therefore, be understood as indexical appeals to practical reason.


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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einer Zeitschrift
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400)
    Schlagworte: Regel; Interaktion; Familie; Praktische Vernunft; Handlung; Englisch; Finnisch; Deutsch; Polnisch; Konversationsanalyse; Verhaltensmodifikation; Solidarität
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  11. Różnice kulturowe bez relatywizmu
    Autor*in: Zinken, Jörg
    Erschienen: 2019
    Verlag:  Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego

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    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Polnisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einem Sammelband
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400)
    Schlagworte: Ethnolinguistik; Fragesatz; Polnisch; Interaktionsanalyse
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess