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  1. "Uma Vez" : empréstimo do alemão no português falado em Itapiranga e São João do Oeste

    O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os usos da palavra 'mal' na língua alemã, comparando-os com possíveis traduções para a língua portuguesa. A partir dos dados levantados e analisados, busca-se descrever o uso da variante 'uma vez' no português em... mehr


    O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os usos da palavra 'mal' na língua alemã, comparando-os com possíveis traduções para a língua portuguesa. A partir dos dados levantados e analisados, busca-se descrever o uso da variante 'uma vez' no português em Itapiranga e São João do Oeste, localidades situadas no oeste de Santa Catarina, Brasil, com forte presença de falantes do alemão Hunsrückisch como língua de imigração. Para a realização do estudo, seguiu-se a metodologia proposta pela dialetologia pluridimensional e relacional, conforme Thun (1998). No presente estudo, realizaram-se entrevistas com 16 falantes bilíngues Hunsrückisch/português das duas localidades. This work presents a study aimed to describe the uses of the word 'mal' in German, comparing it with possible translations to Portuguese. Based on interviews, we describe the use of the variant 'uma vez' in Portuguese spoken in Itapiranga and São João do Oeste, Santa Catarina, Brazil, with many speakers of Hunsrückisch as a language of immigration. We follow the methodology proposed by pluridimensional and relational dialectology, according to Thun (1998). In this study, interviews were conducted with 16 German/Portuguese bilingual speakers from the two localities.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Spanisch, Portugiesisch (460)
    Schlagworte: Hunsrückisch; Portugiesisch; Zweisprachigkeit; Sprachkontakt; Sprachvariante



  2. Padrões sintáticos e semânticos do verbo 'stellen' com enfoqueem seu uso como verbo suporte: uma análise baseada na gramática de construções
    Erschienen: 22.02.2019

    O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar os principais resultados de uma análise sintático-semântica do verbo 'stellen', com principal enfoque em sua ocorrência como verbo suporte. Como base teórica nos utilizamos da gramática de construções,... mehr


    O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar os principais resultados de uma análise sintático-semântica do verbo 'stellen', com principal enfoque em sua ocorrência como verbo suporte. Como base teórica nos utilizamos da gramática de construções, mais especificamente da abordagem construcional de Goldberg (1995; 2006) sobre as construções argumentais que, segundo a autora, seriam por si só portadoras de sentido, independente de outros itens lexicais que compõem as sentenças. Para análise de construções com verbo suporte deverbais, levamos em conta os trabalhos de Wittenberg e Piñango (2011) e Wittenberg (2016), que analisam o processamento desse tipo de construções. A análise em corpus confirmou o princípio da economia semântica postulado pela gramática de construções, já que os sentidos atribuídos tradicionalmente somente ao verbo, podem ser entendidos como resultado das relações entre 'stellen' e as construções argumentais que ele pode integrar. Os resultados da análise das construções com verbo suporte deverbais indicam que o sentido global sofre influência da estrutura argumental tanto do verbo suporte, quanto do componente nominal. As construções com verbo suporte altamente lexicalizadas formadas por 'stellen', por sua vez, são consideradas unidades armazenadas como um todo no léxico. This article aims at exposing the main results of a syntactic and semantic investigation of the verb 'stellen', emphasizing its use as a light verb. This analysis was carried out according to the principles of construction grammar - more specifically following Goldberg's perspective (1995). The author assumes that the argument structure constructions carry meaning regardless of other lexical items in the sentence. The analysis of the light verb constructions is based on the scientific research of Wittenberg and Piñango (2011) and Wittenberg (2016): They investigate how the light verb constructions are processed. The analysis, which is based on corpus, confirmed the principle of the semantic economy because the meanings, which are traditionally assigned to the verb 'stellen', can be understood as the result of the relations between the verb and the argument structure constructions that it can integrate. The results of the analysis of deverbal light verb constructions suggest that both the argument structure of the light verb and the argument structure of the nominal element influence the entire meaning of the construction. In turn, the highly lexicalized light verb constructions are considered as units included in the lexicon.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Funktionsverb; Funktionsverbgefüge; Konstruktionsgrammatik; Argumentstruktur



  3. Vorschlag für eine pluriperspektivische Analyse der Zielgruppe zur Auswahl eines neuen Lehrwerks oder: vergesst die Lehrer nicht!
    Erschienen: 22.02.2019

    Im vorliegenden Artikel wird eine Vorgehensweise zur Analyse der Zielgruppe, die als Grundlage zur Auswahl eines neuen DaF-Lehrwerks dient, beschrieben und begründet. Er ist im Bereich der Lehrwerkkritik und innerhalb dieser der... mehr


    Im vorliegenden Artikel wird eine Vorgehensweise zur Analyse der Zielgruppe, die als Grundlage zur Auswahl eines neuen DaF-Lehrwerks dient, beschrieben und begründet. Er ist im Bereich der Lehrwerkkritik und innerhalb dieser der Ziegruppeneignungsstudie zu verorten. Diese Analyse wird in drei Schritten vollzogen, zunächst wird die institutionelle Ebene betrachtet, dann die Lernerebene und schließlich die Ebene der Lehrkräfte. Die Analyse wird am Beispiel des Alexander von Humboldt Instituts Medellin illustriert. Ziel des Artikels ist es, ein detailliertes und erweitertes Analyseraster zur Zielgruppenanalyse zu präsentieren, das andere Institutionen für ihre Zwecke nutzen und adaptieren können. This article describes and explains a procedure for analyzing the target audience that will be used as the basis for selecting a new DaF textbook. It is to be located in the area of textbook critique and within this the study group suitability study. This analysis is done in three steps, first considering the institutional level, then the learner level and finally the teacher level. The analysis is illustrated using the example of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute Medellin. The aim of the article is to present a detailed and extended analytic grid for target group analysis that other institutions can use and adapt for their own purposes.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Bildung und Erziehung (370); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Deutsch; Fremdsprache; Lehrmittelanalyse; Auswahl; Zielgruppe; Lehrer



  4. Variação linguística e alemão como língua estrangeira: contribuições a partir da análise de dois livros didáticos
    Erschienen: 22.02.2019

    Muitas vezes, instituições escolares e políticas supervalorizam a norma padrão, raramente reconhecendo a legitimidade da variação linguística. Entretanto, a variação (histórica, geográfica, social ou estilística), sendo inerente a todas as línguas,... mehr


    Muitas vezes, instituições escolares e políticas supervalorizam a norma padrão, raramente reconhecendo a legitimidade da variação linguística. Entretanto, a variação (histórica, geográfica, social ou estilística), sendo inerente a todas as línguas, não pode ser ignorada. Em sala de aula, tanto de língua materna quanto de língua estrangeira, é necessário abordar a variação, de modo que o aluno possa usar a língua em contextos diversificados e realísticos, sem criar uma versão estereotipada. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é compreender se e em que contextos as diferentes variedades da língua alemã se concretizam em dois livros didáticos para o ensino como língua estrangeira, um para adolescentes e outro para adultos. O método da pesquisa é de cunho quanti-qualitativo, estabelecendo uma visão panorâmica da variação e analisando o tratamento dado a ela em atividades selecionadas. Os resultados sugerem que os livros abordam apenas alguns aspectos da variação geográfica e estilística. Na discussão, são problematizados esses resultados, com o intuito de auxiliar professores na avaliação e no manejo de materiais didáticos com relação à variação linguística. Many times, school and political institutions overestimate the standard norm and rarely recognize the legitimacy of linguistic variation. However, the (historical, geographical, social or stylistic) variation belongs to all languages and cannot be ignored. In the classroom, both of mother tongue and foreign language, it is necessary to approach the variation, in order that the student can use the language in diverse and realistic contexts, without creating a stereotyped vision of the language. Thus, our objective is to understand if and in what contexts different varieties of the German language materialize in two textbooks of German as a foreign language, one for adolescents and another for adults. The methodology is quantitative-qualitative, establishing a panoramic view of the variation and analyzing the treatment given to it in the selected activities. The results suggest that the books address only some aspects of geographic and stylistic variation. In the discussion, these results are problematized, to help teachers in the appreciation and management of didactic materials, in relation to linguistic variation. Oftmals überschätzen schulische und politische Institutionen die Standardnorm und selten erkennen sie die Legitimität der linguistischen Variation. Jedoch darf die historische, geographische, soziale oder stilistische Variation, die zu allen Sprachen gehört, nicht ignoriert werden. Im muttersprachlichen und fremdsprachlichen Unterricht ist es notwendig, die Variation zu bearbeiten, sodass der Schüler die Sprache in unterschiedlichen und realistischen Kontexten anwenden kann, ohne eine stereotypische Version zu schaffen. Dieser Artikel soll verstehen, ob und in welchen Kontexten die verschiedenen Varietäten der deutschen Sprache sich in zwei DaF-Lehrwerken verwirklichen, eins für Jugendliche und das andere für Erwachsene. Die Methode der Forschung ist quantitativ und qualitativ, in der wir beabsichtigen, einerseits eine panoramische Sicht der Variation herzustellen und andererseits die Behandlung von den ausgewählten Aktivitäten zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, dass die Lehrwerke nur einige Aspekte der geographischen und stilistischen Variation ansprechen. In der Diskussion werden diese Ergebnisse problematisiert, um die Lehrer bei der Lehrwerkevaluation und bei dem Umgehen mit Lehrwerken, was die Sprachvariation angeht, zu unterstützen.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Bildung und Erziehung (370); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Deutsch; Fremdsprache; Sprachlehrbuch; Sprachvariante



  5. Atividades tradutórias para ensino de alemão: uma análise baseada em argumentos contrários à tradução no ensino línguas estrangeiras
    Erschienen: 13.06.2019

    A tradução pode ser considerada um recurso metodológico para o ensino de línguas estrangeiras, sendo que diferentes pesquisas apresentam múltiplas propostas didático-metodológicas para sua inserção em contextos de ensino/aprendizagem. No entanto, a... mehr


    A tradução pode ser considerada um recurso metodológico para o ensino de línguas estrangeiras, sendo que diferentes pesquisas apresentam múltiplas propostas didático-metodológicas para sua inserção em contextos de ensino/aprendizagem. No entanto, a manutenção dos argumentos contrários ao uso da tradução nesse âmbito sugere que essas pesquisas não são suficientemente conhecidas. Este artigo apresenta uma análise de atividades de tradução voltadas para o ensino da língua alemã, extraídas de uma bibliografia em língua alemã sobre esse tema, compilada nos últimos anos. Verificou-se de que modo essas atividades são propostas e se estão relacionadas aos papéis atribuídos historicamente à tradução no ensino de línguas. Visou-se identificar, nas atividades, características que permitam confirmar ou refutar críticas contrárias ao uso da tradução no ensino. A bibliografia estudada contém propostas de reformulação de atividades de tradução utilizadas anteriormente, assim como novas ideias e sugestões. Observa-se que a tradução continua a fazer parte das práticas em sala de aula e que, por influência de perspectivas mais recentes sobre o ensino de línguas, as formas de utilizá-la são constantemente modificadas, de modo que as críticas existentes não se justificam. A pesquisa visa contribuir para divulgação de novas formas de utilização da tradução no ensino de alemão como língua estrangeira. Translation can be considered a methodological tool for teaching foreign languages, and different researches present multiple didactic-methodological proposals for the insertion of translation in teaching/learning contexts. However, the fact that arguments against the use of translation in this context continue to exist, suggests that such researches are not sufficiently known. This article presents an analysis of translation activities for teaching the German language, extracted from a bibliography in German on the subject, compiled in recent years. It was verified how these activities are proposed and if they are related to the roles historically assigned to translation in language teaching. The aim was to identify characteristics in the activities that allow confirming or refuting criticisms against the use of translation in teaching. The bibliography that was studied contains proposals for reformulation of known translation activities, as well as new ideas and suggestions. It is observed that translation continues to be a part of classroom practice and that, through the influence of more recent perspectives on language teaching, the ways of using it are constantly modified, so that existing criticisms are not justified. The research aims to contribute to the dissemination of new ways of using translation in teaching German as a foreign language. Übersetzung kann als methodisches Mittel für den Fremdsprachenunterricht angesehen werden. Mehrere didaktisch-methodische Vorschläge für ihre Anwendung im Lehr-/Lernkontext werden in unterschiedlichen Studien präsentiert. Das Bestehen der Argumente gegen die Übersetzung in diesem Zusammenhang deutet jedoch darauf hin, dass diese Studien nicht ausreichend bekannt sind. Dieser Artikel stellt eine Analyse von Übersetzungsaufgaben für den Deutschunterricht vor, die aus einer in den letzten Jahren erstellten Bibliografie zu diesem Thema entnommen wurden. Die Analyse versucht zu identifizieren, auf welche Weise diese Aufgaben vorgeschlagen und ob sie von den historischen Rollen der Übersetzung beim Fremdsprachenlernen beeinflusst werden. Somit sollten Aufgabenmerkmale zur Bestätigung oder Widerlegung der Kritikpunkte gegen den Einsatz von Übersetzung im Unterricht identifiziert werden. Die untersuchte Bibliografie enthält Vorschläge zur Neuformulierung der bisher verwendeten Übersetzungsaktivitäten sowie neue Ideen und Anregungen. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Übersetzung weiterhin Teil der Unterrichtspraxis ist und dass ihre Anwendung durch den Einfluss modernerer Ansätze ständig modifiziert wird, sodass die bestehenden Kritikpunkte nicht gerechtfertigt sind. Die Forschung soll zur Verbreitung neuer Verwendungsformen der Übersetzung beim Lehren des Deutschen als Fremdsprache beitragen.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Bildung und Erziehung (370); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Deutsch; Fremdsprache; Übersetzung; Unterrichtsmethode



  6. Projeto Novela: uma abordagem comunicativa e intercultural no ensino de alemão como língua estrangeira
    Erschienen: 13.06.2019

    O presente artigo visa refletir sobre práticas didáticas comunicativas e interculturais no ensino de alemão como língua estrangeira. No sentido de trabalhar língua e cultura de maneira integrada, atentando especialmente nas necessidades comunicativas... mehr


    O presente artigo visa refletir sobre práticas didáticas comunicativas e interculturais no ensino de alemão como língua estrangeira. No sentido de trabalhar língua e cultura de maneira integrada, atentando especialmente nas necessidades comunicativas e interesse dos aprendizes, desenvolveu-se o projeto Novela, na disciplina Língua Alemã II, do curso de graduação de Letras da Universidade de São Paulo. Este projeto propôs uma releitura atual das telenovelas brasileiras, onde os aprendizes foram incentivados a produzir os episódios, narrativas sequenciais, aplicando o conhecimento de alemão adquirido e fazendo uso de materiais autênticos, tais como quadrinhos, música, conversas por SMS e WhatsApp, vídeos, entre outros. Ao abarcar todos os três aspectos delimitados por Weissenberg (2012) para um ensino focado no desenvolvimento de competências e necessidades de aprendizagem, o projeto possibilitou que os estudantes se sentissem (co)responsáveis pelo processo de aquisição e transmissão do conhecimento, tendo impactos positivos em sua motivação e senso de responsabilidade. Por fim, os resultados obtidos sugerem que tarefas que incentivam o uso de habilidades e estratégias comunicativas, além do seu potencial como ferramenta para uma aprendizagem integrativa, podem promover discussões interculturais relevantes. This article aims to reflect on communicative and intercultural practices in the teaching of German as a foreign language (GFL). To work with language and culture in an integrated way, focusing especially on the communicative needs of learners, the "soap opera" project was developed during the German Language II course attended by Language undergraduate students of the University of Sao Paulo. This project has proposed a modern reinterpretation of Brazilian soap opera (or 'telenovela'), where students were encouraged to produce episodes, sequential narratives, applying their on growing knowledge in the German language and making use of authentic materials, such as comics, music, WhatsApp messages, videos, among others. By covering all three aspects defined by Weissenberg (2012) focusing on the development of competencies and learning needs, the project has made it possible for the students to feel (co)responsible for their knowledge acquisition process, with positive impact on their motivation and sense of responsibility. Finally, the results suggest that tasks that encourage the use of communicative skills and strategies, besides its potential as a tool for integrative learning, can promote relevant intercultural discussions.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Bildung und Erziehung (370); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Deutsch; Fremdsprache; Kommunikative Kompetenz; Interkulturelles Lernen



  7. CLIL em alemão no Brasil e a competência de leitura dos graduandos em Letras/Alemão
    Erschienen: 13.06.2019

    Este artigo discute o papel em potencial do Ensino Integrado de Língua e Conteúdo (CLIL) na graduação em Letras/Alemão. No Brasil, muitos estudantes iniciam a graduação sem conhecimento prévio da língua alemã, e é sempre um desafio melhorar suas... mehr


    Este artigo discute o papel em potencial do Ensino Integrado de Língua e Conteúdo (CLIL) na graduação em Letras/Alemão. No Brasil, muitos estudantes iniciam a graduação sem conhecimento prévio da língua alemã, e é sempre um desafio melhorar suas habilidades de leitura em cinco semestres de ensino de idiomas, ao menos até o nível B1. A pesquisa empírica parte da hipótese de que frequentar uma disciplina CLIL pode auxiliar os alunos a melhorar sua competência de leitura em alemão. Para tanto, examinou-se a competência de leitura de estudantes de Letras/Alemão em uma universidade brasileira. Após a categorização de seus erros, foram definidos os fatores que podem ter levado à melhoria da alfabetização. This article discusses a possible role of the Content and Language Integrated Learning in foreign German studies (CLILiG). In Brazil, many students start their undergraduation program without a prior knowledge of German language and it is always a challenge to improve their reading skills in five semesters of language teaching, at least up to B1 level. The empirical research started from the hypothesis that attending CLIL classes can help students to improve their German reading competence. For that matter, the reading competence of GFL students in a Brazilian university was examined. After the categorization of their mistakes, the factors that may have led to the improvement of their reading literacy were defined. In diesem Beitrag wird über eine mögliche Rolle des sprachsensiblen Fachunterrichts in ausländischen Germanistikstudiengängen diskutiert. In Brasilien fangen viele Studierende das Lehramtsstudium ohne Vorkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache an und es ist immer eine Herausforderung, ihre Lesekompetenz in fünf Semestern Sprachunterricht zumindest bis Niveau B1 zu fördern. Die Hypothese, von der die empirische Forschung ausgeht, ist, dass es für die Studenten hilfreich sein könnte, an einem CLIL-Seminar teilzunehmen, um ihre Lesefähigkeit zu verbessern. Hierzu wurde die Lesekompetenz von DaF-Studierenden einer brasilianischen Universität untersucht. Nach Kategorisierung ihrer Fehler wurden mögliche Faktoren benannt, die zur Verbesserung der Lesekompetenz geführt haben.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Bildung und Erziehung (370); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Deutsch; Fremdsprache; Brasilien; Content and language integrated learning; Lesekompetenz



  8. Introdução às características fonético-fonológicas das consoantes do alemão 'Standard' e do alemão boêmio
    Erschienen: 13.06.2019

    O Rio Grande do Sul (RS) recebeu, em 1824, os primeiros imigrantes alemães vindos da região do Hunsrück, Alemanha (ALTENHOFEN 1996). Posteriormente, por volta de 1873, chegaram os imigrantes alemães da Boêmia, região da atual República Tcheca (HABEL... mehr


    O Rio Grande do Sul (RS) recebeu, em 1824, os primeiros imigrantes alemães vindos da região do Hunsrück, Alemanha (ALTENHOFEN 1996). Posteriormente, por volta de 1873, chegaram os imigrantes alemães da Boêmia, região da atual República Tcheca (HABEL 2017). Com isso, ocorreu um intenso contato linguístico entre essas variedades dialetais. Como ainda não foram identificados estudos sobre o sistema consonantal dessa língua falada pelos descendentes de alemães boêmios, é feita, inicialmente, uma revisão bibliográfica do alemão Standard e da variedade de imigração alemã, Hunsrückisch. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo é fazer uma descrição preliminar de alguns aspectos do sistema fonético-fonológico das consoantes do alemão boêmio em um ponto de pesquisa do RS, tendo como base, em especial, o alemão Standard. In 1824, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) received the first German immigrants coming from the Hunsrück region, Germany (ALTENHOFEN 1996). Later, around 1873, German immigrants arrived from Bohemia, a current region of Czech Republic (HABEL 2017). After that, there was an intense linguistic contact between these dialectal varieties. Since we have not identified studies on the consonant system of this language spoken by the descendants of Bohemian Germans yet, a bibliographical revision of the standard German and the German immigration variety (Hunsrückisch) is initially made. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to make a preliminary description of some aspects of the phonetic-phonological system of the German-Bohemian consonants in a research point at RS, based, especially, on the standard German.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Deutsch; Böhmisch; Brasilien; Phonetik; Phonologie



  9. Motivações e expectativas profissionais dos estudantes de pós-graduação em Letras (Língua e Literatura Alemã) no Brasil

    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as motivações e expectativas profissionais dos estudantes do curso de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Literatura Alemã de uma universidade pública brasileira no estado de São Paulo. A investigação foi realizada com base... mehr


    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as motivações e expectativas profissionais dos estudantes do curso de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Literatura Alemã de uma universidade pública brasileira no estado de São Paulo. A investigação foi realizada com base em um questionário respondido por 20 discentes do curso de pós-graduação dos programas de mestrado e doutorado daquela instituição em 2017, visando identificar os motivos que os levaram a optar por essa carreira e suas perspectivas de desenvolvimento profissional na área. A fundamentação teórica advém da perspectiva dos estudos de crenças discentes (SILVA 2007; BARCELOS 2001), mais especificamente dos estudos de crenças de alunos acerca da aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras. A metodologia da pesquisa corresponde a um paradigma híbrido (MAYRING 2015; KUCKARTZ 2014; 2016) com características de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa. Os resultados apontam que os participantes do contexto investigado são, em grande parte, jovens com o desejo de atuar no ensino superior na área de sua formação. Porém, mesmo que o programa em que participam atenda de modo geral suas expectativas, há preocupações a respeito das dificuldades enfrentadas pela educação brasileira atual, algo que se expressa principalmente pela baixa valorização do papel e função docentes. The purpose of this article is to analyze the motivations and professional expectations of the students in the Postgraduate Course in German Language and Literature of a Brazilian public university in the State of São Paulo. The research was carried out based on a questionnaire answered by 20 postgraduate students from master and doctoral programs of that institution in 2017, in order to identify the reasons that led them to choose this career and their perspectives of professional development in the area. The theoretical basis is derived from the perspective of the student beliefs studies (SILVA 2007; BARCELOS 2001), more specifically from the studies of students' beliefs about learning foreign languages. The research methodology corresponds to a hybrid paradigm (MAYRING 2015; KUCKARTZ 2014; 2016), with qualitative and quantitative research characteristics. The results indicate that the participants in the investigated context are largely young people, with the majority wishing to work in higher education in their area of study. However, even if their program meets their expectations in general, there are some concerns about the difficulties faced by current Brazilian education, which is expressed through a low appreciation of the role and function of teachers.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Postgraduiertenstudium; Germanistik; Brasilien; Berufserwartung; Ziel; Motivation; Berufsaussicht



  10. Deutsch-rumänische Sprachinterferenzen bei Herta Müller und Balthasar Waitz

    Herta Müller’s leaning towards word for word transfer of Romanian set phrases in her texts can be explained by the environment in which she lived until her emigration to West Germany and this admittedly intensifies with the gradually increasing... mehr


    Herta Müller’s leaning towards word for word transfer of Romanian set phrases in her texts can be explained by the environment in which she lived until her emigration to West Germany and this admittedly intensifies with the gradually increasing general interest in multi-lingualism. The fact that the authoress speaks of the German-Romanian transfer in her acceptance speech on the occasion of the Nobel Prize award proves the important role, which Hertha Müller ascribes to this procedure. Also at the centre of the latest books by Balthasar Waitz stands the multicultural region of the Banat. The author seems to be gripped by the plurilingualism of the immediate surroundings of his homeland. Different forms of Romanian, from slang to everyday speech, but occasionally also Hungarian, Slovak and Serbian phrases find their way into the texts of the Banat author. In this manner just as with Hertha Müller, language images come into being, new light. Thus literary multilingualism in both writers enables one to have a novel access to the relation between literature and reality.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Italienisch, Rumänisch, Rätoromanisch (450); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  11. Die Schwarze Kirche als Topos der kollektiven Identitätskonstruktion in der deutschen, rumänischen und ungarischen Lyrik der Zwischenkriegszeit
    Erschienen: 01.06.2019

    The Black Church, the largest sacral building in Transylvania, has been given a central role in the local identity narratives. As a historical place of remembrance, it mediates and mobilizes elements of historical knowledge, and at the same time... mehr


    The Black Church, the largest sacral building in Transylvania, has been given a central role in the local identity narratives. As a historical place of remembrance, it mediates and mobilizes elements of historical knowledge, and at the same time constructs a myth.The article examines how the Black Church in Brasov, one of the most important symbols of the Transylvanian Saxons, is poetically constructed as a place of cultural memory in the German, Romanian and Hungarian poems of the interwar period, how the concrete place is reinterpreted as a space for creating identity, while the ethnic dimension should not be ignored. It examines the question of what symbolic value it has for the German, Romanian and Hungarian populations and how this can be seen from the lyrical texts of the time.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Italienisch, Rumänisch, Rätoromanisch (450); Andere Sprachen (490)



  12. Vornamenwahl in einem deutsch-rumänischen Umfeld zwischen regionalen Gepflogenheiten und europäischen Trends
    Erschienen: 01.06.2019

    An essential factor for the naming practice lies in the language(s) spoken by that certain family. In the nowadays very common multilingual families in Transylvania, the so called ‚mixed marriages’, the linguistic contact also becomes manifest in the... mehr


    An essential factor for the naming practice lies in the language(s) spoken by that certain family. In the nowadays very common multilingual families in Transylvania, the so called ‚mixed marriages’, the linguistic contact also becomes manifest in the field of onomatology. Out of the vast subject matter, four aspects will be approached: the decline of the tradition of naming a child after a parent; naming practices following ethnic reasons in order to denote a certain identity; naming preferences for international names in mixed families; the increasing diversification and inter-culturality of name-giving due to globalization and the impact of social media. Concrete examples – based on bap tis mal registers of the local Lutheran Church – illustrate the monitored trends.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Italienisch, Rumänisch, Rätoromanisch (450)



  13. Zu den Bedeutungen der Verben „kopulieren”, „kaufen” und „verändern” in siebenbürgischen urkundlichen Quellen und im Siebenbürgisch-Sächsischen
    Erschienen: 01.06.2019

    This article covers the verbs kopulieren (copulate) and kaufen (buy) with the meaning of, religious and legal marriage’ followed by the verb verändern (change) with the meaning of ,marry’, ,getting married’. The case examples show that certain... mehr


    This article covers the verbs kopulieren (copulate) and kaufen (buy) with the meaning of, religious and legal marriage’ followed by the verb verändern (change) with the meaning of ,marry’, ,getting married’. The case examples show that certain meanings of a verb which have been retained in Transylvanian documentary sources and the Transylvanian-Saxon vernacular are indeed mentioned in High German, however, they are marked ,archaic’ (see the given meanings of the verbs kopulieren, originating from Latin and the given meanings of the verb verändern originating from Middle High German). On the other hand, when a certain meaning of a verb is not documented in High German any longer, Transylvanian document sources and the Transylvanian-Saxon vernacular can serve as documentation (see the verb kaufen which has retained the Middle High German meaning). The case examples are taken from the Transylvanian-Saxon Dictionary and the North-Transylvanian-Saxon Dictionary.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Geschichte Europas (940)



  14. „Dann leg’ ich meinen Hobel hin...”. Nachrufe und Todesanzeigen mit Tätigkeitsbezug aus interkultureller Sicht
    Erschienen: 01.06.2019

    Beyond the communicative function of death notices, to informe about a death case, one will be repeatedly surprised by auxiliary functions of this category of private notices. The following article analizes from an intercultural perspective the... mehr


    Beyond the communicative function of death notices, to informe about a death case, one will be repeatedly surprised by auxiliary functions of this category of private notices. The following article analizes from an intercultural perspective the representation of the (professional) identity in obituaries and death notices pertaining to a Romanian and a German corpus – the achievements attained to in the job environment and – in case of a blurred or merely outlined professional identity – on interests outside of one’s job, which were cherished by the deceased to the effect of shaping and defining him.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  15. Sprachnomaden: Mehrsprachigkeit am Beispiel von Olga Grjasnowas Roman: "Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt"
    Erschienen: 01.12.2019

    Olga Grjasnowa’s debut novel The Russian Is One Who Loves Birch Trees, revolving around themes such as national and linguistic boundaries, borderline transgressions and border crossings, the sense of home and the sense of alienation and the search... mehr


    Olga Grjasnowa’s debut novel The Russian Is One Who Loves Birch Trees, revolving around themes such as national and linguistic boundaries, borderline transgressions and border crossings, the sense of home and the sense of alienation and the search for one’s own identity in the face of a life in the threshold of cultures. Using the example of a young woman who has emigrated from Azerbaijan, who was traumatized as a child, and who is trained as an interpreter in Germany, the article explores subjects such as loneliness, identity, limitations and hunger for language. By making interpreting her profession, the figure solidifies the leap from one culture to the next as a pattern of action and acts transculturally between different spaces. She finds access to marginalized groups, she has ambivalent erotic experiences with men as well as with women, which reflects her cultural indecision.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  16. Aspekte der Mehrsprachigkeit in Christian Hallers Roman "Die verschluckte Musik"
    Erschienen: 01.12.2019

    This study analyses the role of the Romanian language in Christian Hallers novel Die verschluckte Musik (2008). The Romanian words are linked to the content and symbolical context, and also to intimacy or strangeness. Single words and expressions are... mehr


    This study analyses the role of the Romanian language in Christian Hallers novel Die verschluckte Musik (2008). The Romanian words are linked to the content and symbolical context, and also to intimacy or strangeness. Single words and expressions are connected to memories and rituals. For the family residing in Bucharest they are everyday elements. By migration they become cultural artefacts, are included in family stories. In the new home country Switzerland, the Romanian language is an element of intimacy. The language is also a method of exclusion and dissociation. Ruth, the first-person narratorʼs mother, is excluded in Bucharest until she learns the national language. In the Swiss environment the already familiar Romanian language is for Ruth a method of dissociation. For the first-person narrator, the few Romanian words are details connected to gastronomic culture which distinguish him from the Swiss environment. While travelling through Bucharest, the Romanian language becomes a method of exclusion, it is connected to an area that was not attainable for a long period. His journey updates the language for him.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Italienisch, Rumänisch, Rätoromanisch (450); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  17. Toponyme im siebenbürgischen Unterwald / Terra ante Silvanum
    Erschienen: 01.12.2019

    The aim of the present paper is to analyse the trilingual Transylvanian toponyms (German, Hungarian an d Romanian) from the Terra ante Silvanum (The Realm Beneath the Forest) and to reconstruct and explain them. When the Saxons arrived in... mehr


    The aim of the present paper is to analyse the trilingual Transylvanian toponyms (German, Hungarian an d Romanian) from the Terra ante Silvanum (The Realm Beneath the Forest) and to reconstruct and explain them. When the Saxons arrived in Transylvania, in the 12th Century, they met Szekler, Hungarian and Romanian ethnic groups. The Realm Beneath the Forest represents, from a historical point of view, the Western border of the Transylvanian territory inhabited by the Saxons, which was not a compact area and which was divided into three districts (Sibiu, Brașov, and Bistrița) and two ‘seats’ (Mediaș and Șeica). The Realm Beneath the Forest included three ‘seats’ (Lat. sedes, judicial and administrative forums): Orăștie, Sebeș and Miercurea Sibiului. All the areas of the Realm Beneath the Forest, both those inhabited by German and/or Hungarian and Romanian populations and those inhabited only by Romanian people, have corresponding toponyms in all three languages. The toponyms Orăștie, Romos, Aurel Vlaicu, Pianul de Jos, Petrești, Sebeș, Câlnic, Reciu, Gârbova, Dobârca, Miercurea Sibiului, Apoldu de Sus, Amnaș that are analysed in the paper can be classified according to the following criteria: according to their founder, to the river that flows through the area, to the local toponyms, to their origin and their way of formation. A series of toponyms contributed to the apparition of some autochthonous family names such as Broser, Hamlescher, Kellinger, Mühlbächer, Polder, Rätscher, Urbiger.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Italienisch, Rumänisch, Rätoromanisch (450); Andere Sprachen (490)



  18. Deutsch in der Wissenschaft und Wissensproduktion
    Autor*in: Sava, Doris
    Erschienen: 01.12.2019

    Based on thecurrentacademic activities, the dominance of American English in science culture, and on the hereto related suppression of the traditional scientific multilingualism, the article deliberates on the relevance of German in the international... mehr


    Based on thecurrentacademic activities, the dominance of American English in science culture, and on the hereto related suppression of the traditional scientific multilingualism, the article deliberates on the relevance of German in the international knowledge industry. Given the increased demand for the MINT-subjects (Mathematics, Informatics, Natural sciences and Technology) and the exclusive promotion of English as (the only) science language in the globalization tide, fact that is mirrored in the altered publication practice, one must necessarily ask, wheth er there is still a future ahead for German as a science language or for German in science.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Deutsch; Wissenschaftssprache



  19. Politik durch Lexik im "Siebenbürgisch-Deutschen Tageblatt" : Ideologievokabular zur Zeitenwende 1918/19
    Erschienen: 01.12.2019

    After the First World War and the Danube Monarchy, Transylvania became a part of the Kingdom of Romania on December 1, 1918. The desired minority rights played an important role for the Transylvanian Saxons. The relationships with Hungary and Romania... mehr


    After the First World War and the Danube Monarchy, Transylvania became a part of the Kingdom of Romania on December 1, 1918. The desired minority rights played an important role for the Transylvanian Saxons. The relationships with Hungary and Romania were reflected in the media coverage by the Transylvanian newspaper Siebenbürgisch-Deutsches Tageblatt. The authors created awareness on their concerns by using ideological vocabulary. Such political lexis acts as an appeal to the recipients. There is a clearly identifiable dichotomy: On the one side, negatively connoted lexis arises for the former political conditions in the Dual Monarchy. On the other side, positively connoted lexis appears for the needs and for the behavior of the Transylvanian Saxons and for the concepts of new political conditions that were published in the newspaper. This dichotomy consists of ideological vocabulary and lexis in common language.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Publizistische Medien, Journalismus, Verlagswesen (070); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830); Geschichte Europas (940)

