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Das wundärztliche Manual des Meisters Hans Seyff von Göppingen
(ca. 1440 - 1518) ; der Cod. med. et phys. 2 ̊8 der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart -
Die Verwundetenfürsorge in den Heldenliedern des Mittelalters
Die niederdeutsche Fassung des Feldtbuchs der Wundarzney in Kopenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 1663 4°
Edition und Kommentar -
Dat boek der Wundenartzstedye und der niederdeutsche chirurgische Fachwortschatz
Plain concise practical remarks, on the treatment of wounds and fractures
to which is added, an appendix, on camp and military hospitals; principally designed, for the use of young military and naval surgeons, in North-America. By John Jones, M.D. Professor of surgery, in King's College, New-York -
Elements of surgery
Elements of surgery
for the use of students -
The surgical works of the late John Jones, M.D
... To which are added, a short account of the life of the author, with occasional notes and observations. By James Mease, M.D. Resident physician of the port of Philadelphia -
A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie, called by mee Synthetike
the part which teacheth the reunition of the parts of the bodie disjoyned. Containing the methodical doctrine of wounds: delivered in lectures in the Barber-Chirurgeons Hall, upon Tuesdayes, appointed for these exercises, and the keeping of their courts. By Alexander Read, Doctor of Physick, a brother of the same company, and one of the fellowes of the Physitians College of the famous citie London -
A description of the body of man. Together vvith the controuersies thereto belonging. Collected and translated out of all the best authors of anatomy, especially out of Gasper Bauhinus and Andreas Laurentius. By Helkiah Crooke Doctor of Physicke. Published by the Kings Maiesties especiall direction and warrant according to the first integrity, as it was originally written by the author -
Novum lumen chirurgicum extinctum, or, Med. Colbatch's New light of chirurgery put out
Wherein the dangerous and uncertain woundcuring of the pretending med. and the base imposture of his quack medicines, are impartially examin'd, describ'd, and evidently confuted and the method and medicines formerly receiv'd, and successfully practis'd, are rationally vindicated from the calumnies of his ignorant and malicious aspersions. : His experiments which he mentions, convicted of falshood; and others what their miscarriages are, annex'd; which he had craftily and knowingly suppress'd -
The history of generation
Examining the several opinions of divers authors, especially that of Sir Kenelm Digby, in his Discourse of bodies. With a general relation of the manner of generation, as well in plants as animals: with some figures delineating the first originals of some creatures, evidently demonstrating the rest. To which is joyned a discourse of the cure of wounds by sympathy, or without any real applycation of medicines to the part affected, but especially by that powder, known chiefly by the name of Sir Gilbert Talbots powder. By Nath. Highmore lately of Trinity Colledge in Oxford, Doctor of Physick -
Plain concise practical remarks on the treatment of wounds and fractures
to which is added, a short appendix on camp and military hospitals; principally designed for the use of young military surgeons, in North-America -
Observations on the cure of wounds
Vide Clare's Essay on the art of healing -
The history of generation
examining the several opinions of divers authors, especially that of Sir Kenelm Digby, in his discourse of bodies : with a general relation of the manner of generation, as well in plants as animals : with some figures delineating the first originals of some creatures ... : to which is joyned, A discourse of the cure of wounds by sympathy, or without any real applycation of medicines to the part affected, but especially by that powder, known chiefly by the name of Sir Gilbert Talbots powder -
Of the sympathetick powder
a discourse in a solemn assembly at Montpellier -
Casus medico-chirurgicus, or, A most memorable case, of a noble-man deceased
wherein is shewed His Lordship's wound, the various diseases survening, how his physicians and surgeons treated him, how treated by the author after my Lord was given over by all his physicians, with all their opinions and remedies : moreover, the art of curing the most dangerous of wounds, by the first intention, with the description of the remedies -
A ternary of paradoxes
the magnetick cure of wounds, nativity of tartar in wine, image of God in man -
Wounds and wound repair in medieval culture