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Gedancken vom Schlafe und denen Träumen
nebst einem Schreiben an N. N. daß man ohne Kopf empfinden könne -
Wol ûf, wir sullen slâfen gân!
der Schlaf als Alltagserfahrung in der deutschsprachigen Dichtung des Hochmittelalters -
Der Träume Wirklichkeit
eine Anthologie deutschsprachiger Traumgedichte -
An inaugural dissertation on sleep and dreams
their effects on the faculties of the mind, and the causes of dreams. Submitted to the examination of the Rev. William Smith, S.T.P. provost; the trustees and medical professors of the College of Philadelphia; for the degree of Doctor of Medicine: on the twenty-third day of June, A.D. 1791. By Samuel Forman Conover, of the state of New-Jersey, member of the Medical Society of said state, and of the American Medical Society of Philadelphia -
An inaugural dissertation on the causes and effects of sleep
Submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost, the trustees and medical professors of the University of Pennsylvania, on the seventeenth day of May, 1796, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. By Thomas Ball, of Virginia, member of the Philadelphia Medical Society. [One line from Young] -
An inaugural essay on somnolency
A sermon, preached at Billerica, April 9th, 1801
being the day of the annual fast -
Vigilius. Or, The awakener
making a brief essay, to rebuke first the natural sleep which too often proves a dead fly, in the devotions of them that indulge it. And then the moral sleep, wherein the souls of men frequently omit the duties, and forfeit the comforts, of religion. In earnest. [One line from 1 Corinthians] -
Gedancken vom Schlafe und denen Träumen
nebst einem Schreiben an N. N. daß man ohne Kopf empfinden könne -
Sommeils et veilles dans le conte merveilleux grec
Das Buch vom Sandmann und das ABC vom Schlaf
Vigilius. Or, The awakener
making a brief essay, to rebuke first the natural sleep which too often proves a dead fly, in the devotions of them that indulge it. And then the moral sleep, wherein the souls of men frequently omit the duties, and forfeit the comforts, of religion. In earnest. -
An inaugural dissertation on sleep and dreams
their effects on the faculties of the mind, and the causes of dreams. Submitted to the examination of the Rev. William Smith, S.T.P. provost; the trustees and medical professors of the College of Philadelphia; for the degree of Doctor of Medicine: on the twenty-third day of June, A.D. 1791 -
An accurate and complete description of sleep
in a discourse delivered before the Medical Society, September 1782. -
Kontrollgewinn - Kontrollverlust
die Geschichte des Schlafs in der Moderne -
Le sommeil
approches philosophiques et médicales de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance -
Sleep in early modern England
Die Physiologie des Schlafes
Sommeils et veilles dans le conte merveilleux grec
Schlaf & Traum
[eine Ausstellung des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums Dresden in Zsarb. mit der Wellcome Collection, London, 31. März bis 3. Oktober 2007, Dresden; Dezember 2007 bis März 2008, London] -
A bibliography of books in English on sleep, dreams and insomnia
Gedancken vom Schlafe und denen Träumen
nebst einem Schreiben an N. N. daß man ohne Kopf empfinden könne -
Wol ûf, wir sullen slâfen gân!
der Schlaf als Alltagserfahrung in der deutschsprachigen Dichtung des Hochmittelalters -
Schlaf und Traum
Physiologie des Schlafes und Klinik der Schlaftherapie