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A Review of a Treatise on the unlawfulness of marrying a brother's wife, together with remarks on the marriage of a wife's sister
being an appendix to A consideration of the right of marrying the sister of a deceased wife, or the wife of a deceased husband [sic], &c -
A Treatise on the unlawfulness of marrying a brother's wife
together with remarks on the marriage of a wife's sister -
The determinations of the moste famous and mooste excellent vniuersities of Italy and Fraunce, that it is so vnlefull [sic] for a man to marie his brothers wyfe, that the pope hath no power to dispence therewith
Rhybudd i bawb a amcanont o hyn allan gymmeryd arnynt ystâd priodas yn dduwiol ac wrth gyfraith
An admonition to all such as shall intend hereafter to enter the state of matrimony godly and agreeably to lawes
An admonition to all such as shall intend hereafter to enter the state of matrimony, godlily and agreeably to lawes
Grauissimae, atq[ue] exactissimæ illustrissimaru[m] totius Italiæ, et Galliæ academiaru[m] censuræ
efficacissimis etiam quorundam doctissimorum uiroru[m] argumentationibus explicatæ, de ueritate illius propositionis; videlicet q[uod] ducere relictam fratris mortui sine liberis, ita sit de iure diuino et naturali prohibitum: ut nullus pontifex super huiusmodi matrimonijs contractis, siue contrahendis dispensare possit -
A Consideration of the right of marrying the sister of a deceased wife, or the wife of a deceased brother
also, of the propriety of making the practice a matter of Christian discipline. ; [One line from I Thessalonians]