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A table collected of the yeres of our Lorde God, and of the yeres of the kynges of Englande, fro[m] the first yere of Willyam Conquerour
shewyng how the yeres of our Lorde God, and the yeres of the kynges of Englande concurre and agree together, in which table it maie bee quickely accompted, how many yeres, monethes, and daies be paste, since the makyng of any euidences, instrumentes, or writynges, that haue their dates of theyeres of the kinges reignes, and not dates of the yeres of our lorde God. And also it shal-bee readily seen, in what yere of our Lorde God, those euidences, instrumentes, or writinges wer made. Londini M.D.lxiiii