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  1. The monk's Haggadah
    a fifteenth-century illuminated codex from the Monastery of Tegernsee, with a prologue by Friar Erhard von Pappenheim
    Erschienen: [2014]
    Verlag:  The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania

    "This fifteenth-century Haggadah, with a prologue by a Dominican friar, offers a unique view of contemporary Christian perceptions of Judaism. This edition includes a facsimile of the codex; a critical edition and translation of the prologue; a... mehr

    Universitätsbibliothek Erfurt / Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, Universitätsbibliothek Erfurt
    uneingeschränkte Fernleihe, Kopie und Ausleihe
    Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt / Zentrale
    T Gg 151 Mon
    uneingeschränkte Fernleihe, Kopie und Ausleihe
    Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky
    MK 20 in Arbeit
    keine Fernleihe
    Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
    66.4° 199
    uneingeschränkte Fernleihe, Kopie und Ausleihe


    "This fifteenth-century Haggadah, with a prologue by a Dominican friar, offers a unique view of contemporary Christian perceptions of Judaism. This edition includes a facsimile of the codex; a critical edition and translation of the prologue; a translation of the haggadah; and essays describing the historical and theological background"-- "This fifteenth-century Haggadah, with a prologue by a Dominican friar, offers a unique view of contemporary Christian perceptions of Judaism. This edition includes a facsimile of the codex; a critical edition and translation of the prologue; a translation of the Haggadah; and essays describing the historical and theological background"--Provided by publisher


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    Quelle: Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
    Beteiligt: Stern, David (Array); Markschies, Christoph Johannes (Array); Shalev-Eyni, Sarit (writer of added commentary.); Erhard (writer of supplementary textual content.)
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Buch (Monographie)
    Format: Druck
    ISBN: 9780271063997
    RVK Klassifikation: AM 49200
    Schriftenreihe: Dimyonot: Jews and cultural imagination
    Schlagworte: Judaism; Manuscripts, Hebrew; Jewish illumination of books and manuscripts; Passover; Seder; Haggadot
    Weitere Schlagworte: Erhard von Pappenheim (-1497)
    Umfang: xii, 199 pages, illustrations, (color), 26 cm

    Includes bibliographical references and index

    The monk's Haggadah (Munich codex Hebrew 200) : an introduction / David SternThe making of the codex : scribal work, illumination, and patronage / Sarit Shalev-Eyni

    The history of the codex and the Christian theological background of Erhard's prologue / Christoph Markschies

    The Hebraist background to Erhard's prologue / David Stern

    Codicology and description of the manuscript / Sarit Shalev-Eyni

    The prologue to the Haggadah by Erhard von Pappenheim (Latin text) / edited by Christoph Markschies with Erik Koenke and Anna Rack-Teuteberg

    The prologue to the Haggadah by Erhard von Pappenheim (English translation) / translated by Erik Koenke with David Stern

    The Passover Haggadah (in codex Hebrew 200) / translated by David Stern.