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Alter und Weisheit im Märchen
Forschungsberichte aus der Welt der Märchen -
Mut für drei
Wise and wisheit bei Eckhart, Tauler, Seuse und Ruusbroec
Wise und wisheit bei Eckhart, Tauler, Seuse und Ruusbroec
Wisdom. A poem
a poem -
a poem -
a poem -
The choice of wisdom
A brief and plain essay on the best of blessings, to be obtained by the chusing of them and asking for them. Designed for to be left in the hands of those, whom the pastoral visits take notice of. [Two lines from Proverbs] -
a poem. [One line in Latin, one line in Hebrew] -
A specimen of the harmony of wisdom and felicity, in relation to our civil, moral, and spiritual behaviour
[Nine lines of quotations in Latin] -
Divine warnings to be received with faith & fear, and improved to excite to all proper methods for our own safety and our families
Shew'd in a discourse on Heb. XI. 7. on the publick fast, Dec. 21. 1727. On occasion of the terrible earthquake Oct. 29, 30. & frequently since repeated. To which is added, a discourse on Prov. 2. 1--6. By William Williams, M.A. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Weston. [Six lines of Scripture texts] -
a poem ; for the use of schools -
Erste Gründe der gesammten Weltweisheit (Variantenverzeichnis)
Alter und Weisheit im Märchen
Forschungsberichte aus der Welt der Märchen -
Wise und wisheit bei Eckhart, Tauler, Seuse und Ruusbroec
Wise and wisheit bei Eckhart, Tauler, Seuse und Ruusbroec
Wise und wisheit bei Eckhart, Tauler, Seuse und Ruusbroec
Alter und Weisheit im Märchen
Forschungsberichte aus der Welt der Märchen -
A sermon preach'd before the gentlemen educated at Eton-College
At St. Austin's Church, London. On December 6th. 1701. By William Fleetwood, Fellow of Eton-College, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty -
Hebrew or wisdome and prudence
exhibited in a sermon before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Rainsford, and the Lord Chief Justice North. In their late western circuit. By Tho. Tanner, Rector of Brightstone in Hants -
A sermon preach'd before the Queen
at Saint James's Chapel, on November the 5th, 1705. By George Smalridge, D. D. Minister of the New-Church in Westminster. Published by Her Majesties Special Command -
A sermon preach'd before the Most Reverend the Archbishop, and the Right Reverend the Bishops, and the clergy of the province of Canterbury, assembled in synod, ... October the 25, 1705. By George Stanhope, ... Done from the Latin