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Johann Carl Georg Fricke (1790 - 1841)
Wegbereiter einer klinischen Chirurgie in Deutschland -
Das wundärztliche Manual des Meisters Hans Seyff von Göppingen
(ca. 1440 - 1518) ; der Cod. med. et phys. 2 ̊8 der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart -
Wörterbuch der bildgebenden Verfahren/Dictionary of Medical Imaging
Deutsch/Englisch, English/German -
Die niederdeutsche Fassung des Feldtbuchs der Wundarzney in Kopenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 1663 4°
Edition und Kommentar -
Dat boek der Wundenartzstedye und der niederdeutsche chirurgische Fachwortschatz
Cod. Ser. n. 2641 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Wien -
A treatise on surgical diseases
and the operations suited to them -
The first lines of the practice of surgery
being an elementary work for students and a concise book of reference for practitioners -
La chirurgie en Égypte ancienne
à propos des instruments médico-chirurgicaux métalliques égyptiens conservés au Musée du Louvre -
Surgical observations on injuries of the head; and on miscellaneous subjects
Surgical observations
On the constitutional origin and treatment of local diseases; and on aneurisms. On diseases resembling syphilis; and on diseases of the urethra -
A system of surgery
The principles of surgery
The present practice of surgery
Containing the description, causes, and treatment of each complaint; together with the most approved methods of operating. By Robert White, M.D. and practitioner in surgery -
Practical observations in surgery
A system of surgery
Extracted from the works of Benjamin Bell, of Edinburgh: by Nicholas B. Waters, M.D. Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, and one of the physicians and surgeons to the Philadelphia Dispensary. Illustrated with notes and copperplates -
A treatise of the operations of surgery
Wherein are mechanically explain'd the causes of the diseases in which they are needful, grounded on the structure of the part; their signs and symptoms. Also many new remarks after each operation. To which is added, a treatise of wounds, and their proper and methodical dressings. Enlarg'd with an account of the bandages, and other apparatus necessary in each operation. Translated from the third edition of the French, enlarg'd, corrected and revis'd by the author, Joseph de la Charriere -
A Narrative of some proceedings in the management of Chelsea Hospital
As far as relates to the appointment and dismission of Samuel Lee, surgeon -
Observations in Surgery
Containing one hundred and fifteen different cases with particular remarks on each, for the improvement of young students. Written originally in French, by Henry-Francis Le Dran, of the academy of arts, sworn surgeon at Paris, senior master of that company, else surgeon and demonstrator of Anatomy at the hospital La Charit.̌ Translated by J. S. Surgeon. Embellish'd with copper plates curiously engrav'd representing those parts wherein the principal cases are particularly concern'd. To which is added, a new chirurgical dictionary, for the use of young practioners, and Gentlemen refiding in the country; explaining the terms of art contained in the body of the book, and likewise all such as properly belong to physick and surgery -
The surgical works, or statement of the doctrine and practice of P.J. Desault
A treatise on fractures, luxations, and other affections of the bones
A treatise on fractures, luxations, and other affections of the bones
A Dictionary of practical surgery
containing a complete exhibition of the present state of the principles and practice of surgery