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Leo Pronners Beschreibung des Ausseer Salzwesens (1595)
An Expedient, which with an easier burden to the subject may raise an equivalent to the salt-duty, if that be laid aside
Reasons for taking off the present prohibition of curing fish in Scotland, with British salt, for exportation; while the English lie under no such restraint
The present state of the manufacture of salt explained; and a new mode suggested of refining British salt, so as to render it equal, or superior to the finest foreign salt
To which is subjoined, a plan for abolishing the present duties and restrictions on the manufacture of salt, and for substituting other duties, less burthensome to the subjects, more beneficial to the revenue, and better qualified to promote the trade of Great Britain. By the Earl of Dundonald -
Thoughts on the manufacture and trade of salt, on the herring fisheries, and on the coal-trade of Great Britain
Submitted to the consideration of the Right Honourable William Pitt, chancellor of the Exchequer, &c. and of every lover of his country. By the Earl of Dundonald -
Letter from the secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement exhibiting the amount of duty on salt imported into the United States; of allowances made to vessels employed in the fisheries; and of bounties on fish and salted provisions exported annually, from the year 1793 to 1798, both inclusively
Published by order of the Senate of the United States. April 3d, 1800 -
A Letter on the subject of the bill for granting an aid to the funds destined for the support of the poor of the city of Edinburgh, &c
Unto His Grace, Her Majesty's High Commissioner, and the Right Honourable the Estates of Parliament. The petition of Mr. George Campbel merchant in Edinburgh
A Bill Authorizing the President of the United States to Renew the Lease of John Bate to the Saline near the Wabash River
for a Term Not Exceeding Seven Years -
A Bill for the Relief of John Bate
A Bill for the Relief of John Bate
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the case of John Bate
December 24, 1817. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table. ; December 24, 1817. Referred to the Committee of Claims. ; January 6, 1818. Bill reported with amendments, and committed to a committee of the whole House on Monday next -
[Essay toward proving the advantages which may arise from improvements on salt works, and in the fishing trade of Ireland]
Essai sur la montagne salifere du gouvernement d'Aigle
situé dans le canton de Berne -
Report[s] respecting the British herring fisheries
Wem wird das Vermögen des Lüneburgischen Salzcomtoir's, bey der bevorstehenden Aufhebung desselben, zu Theil?
eine rechtliche Untersuchung -
Kommerzialnachrichten über die neue Salzhandlungs-Gesellschaft in Baiern
A scheme humbly offer'd to the consideration of Parliament, in order to rectify the many abuses committed in the fishing-trade of North-Britain